I've gone from being childless to insta-SM to a 13yo girl and 7yo boy. They live with BM but will be visiting me and FI in Texas for a week this week. There are plenty of outside activities (playing catch, skateboarding, picnic, local festivals, movies, etc) we can do but for down time, can you please suggest some indoor (or outdoor's good too!) activities...I'm sure FI has some ideas but I know he needs help too. I'm trying to stay away from video games and come up with ideas of what we can do together. So far, I have board games, some crafting ideas but need your help! TIA
Re: Rainy Days...
Thanks for the input ladies. I always ensure that the kids get one on one time with their dad. I come from a broken home and have a great appreciation for their situation. I have zero plans of "banning" video games, I know they're going to play them and understand that they enjoy it and FI enjoys playing with them as well. I was just trying to come up with other ideas as video games are a given.
The kids know me pretty well but we're still working on the authority figure part. I have no intentions of parenting them for now and let FI do all of that. I'm not dissing their mother, simply pointng out a fact. I NEVER speak poorly of their mother in front of them, in fact encourage them to have fun with her, etc. As I said, my parents were divorced when I was very young and I've since had three step-mother's so I know what was positive and effective for me and I'm simply trying to make life as enjoyable for them while still guiding them. Despite the spin on my post, I'm a very nice, thoughtful person and sometimes to a fault
I just want to do these kids right, ya know? So I appreciate the input - constructive criticism and all.
ETA: I'm new to the boards and assumed BM meant bio-mom - a way of distinguishing her. She is still their mom and I respect that. Sorry for the ignorance.