I got a good night's sleep last night. Everything is done including the cleaning and the laundry. Michelle is being such a good kid and my older girls are being so helpful around the house & Britt even went to the grocery store to pick up milk & juice for me. Michelle & I even got a nap lol
I'm so relaxed & excited. Usually I'm stressed out and running around like chicken with it's head cut off.
Re: This is the best Christmas Eve ever!
So far, so good for us too.
DH showed P a bunch of short stories on superhero's this morning, while I made caramels. The caramels actually turned out decent. Then dh took P outside to do some sledding, and now P is napping. Once he is up, I'm showering and then we go over to mom's for homemade perogies and cinnamen rolls. I can't wait!