We don't really do it...just because we don't, not because we had a big talk about how it was unsafe and we weren't going to do it...kwim? However, I did just go back and look at the pictures that everyone is talking about. Um, they made me nervous. Those kids were being thrown really high. If we toss our kids around it's like 2 inches out of our hands, not 4 feet.
It's actually prescribed therapy for Joey, who has major sensory issues
Throw him up in the air, hold him and let him flip himself backwards, toss him roughly onto the bed or couch, hold him upside down by his ankles and swing him back and forth...he squeals with delight with all of these activties. He craves the sensory input and can't provide it for himself so we do it for him. It's actually very common in OT/PT routines for kids like him.
Now of course my 60 y/o MIL isn't comfortable doing these things so she doesn't, and DH is much stronger/more coordinated than me so he definitely throws higher, swings faster etc. but we do all of the above.
Good point. When Trev was younger we would put him in a blanket and swing him for the sensory input.
Ben does NOT like to be thrown, put up on people's shoulders, held upside down, or played with recklessly. He has Sensory Integration Disorder, though, and is pretty fearful in space(also doesn't like swings, kiddie rides, etc).
Evelyn-Mommy to Ben 9.20.05 and Emily 5.14.07 and Callie 7.10.09!
Re: Am I the only one that has a DC that doesn't get thrown?
2 of my girls fah-reak out if you throw them but Gracie loves it. But I wouldn't ever throw her more than an inch or two!
yeah, but not crazy or anything! I am certain DS would like to go a lot higher, but that's not happening.
he LOVES when DH does silly wrestling moves on him -- very gently, but DS thinks they are great.
Good point. When Trev was younger we would put him in a blanket and swing him for the sensory input.