
DD referred to opthamalogist

So E had her first eye exam at her 4 year appt. I don't think she is 100% with shapes and so forth and that's how they do it. I almost wonder if she didn't recognize something they used. They said she has 20/30 in one of her eyes but 20/20 with both eyes combined (?).  So her pedi wants her seen.  I don't know if this is necessary given that I think is probably some level of error with the way they do the test.  The other thing I am concerned about is insurance coverage. I never added her to vision yet as I didn't think it was necessary (oops!).

Any thoughts or similar experiences?


Re: DD referred to opthamalogist

  • the 20/30 - 20/20 thing - it means one eye isn't seeing 100% by itself, but when using both the issue corrects itself, so the other eye is working harder to make up for it.

    No clue about the insurance, I'd call them and ask.

    I'd take her in, if only to have a better/different test done by someone who actually does eye exams for a living, not a pede.  That way you'll know for sure.  If she's fine, no harm done.  If not, you can do something about it.

  • Forgot to add - the good eye working harder usually leads to headaches and puts strain on it so it in turn goes wonky also.

    I had a lot of eye issues as a kid and was going to the opthalmologist monthly in jr high/highschool. 

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  • DD was also referred to an eye doctor after her 4 year appt.  One of her eyes was off too and like you, I thought it was an error.  But when the optho checked her it was obvious that she needed glasses.  Without the glasses she couldn't make out the shapes but when they put them on her, she was naming them off as quick as she could. 

    As far as insurance, your medical insurance should cover the opthamologist appt. but probably will not cover glasses if she needs them.  At least that is the case for us.  Luckily, MH put her on the Vision plan as of 2010 so we will be getting her glasses Jan. 2nd.


  • Thanks everyone!  Mommynow - hmmm, now you are making wonder if maybe she does have something going on.  how did you feel about DD getting glasses?

     Both DH and I have horrible vision but it did not come until later in life (me high school, DH 20's.)

  • It's kind of a bummer just because it is something that she is going to have to deal with the rest of her life but its not the end of the world.  MH on the other hand was REALLY sad because he is the one with the bad eyes and feels guilty.  I keep telling him that it happens...parents with perfect vision can still have a child that needs glasses and we are lucky that that is her only problem!  She looks really cute in glasses too so she'll be fine :)


  • I would take her.  Better to get her checked out than not.  Call around about prices if your medical doesn't cover it.  We didn't have vision coverage for several years and I had to see an opthamalogist every year and get contacts.  It really wasn't to bad.  I did just go to Target Optical but i'm sure you could get good prices elsewhere.
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  • We just went through this.  My DD had her first eye exam at 2.5 and then we repeated just before her 4th bday (I forgot to do it earlier!) Anyway, her eyes were 20/20 and 20/25.  This is for sure because she was reading letters even at her first exam so there was no mistaking for the letter chart or the symbol chart.  We opted to put her in glasses.  They said it was up to us, we could wait 6 mos and re-examine but we could also lose more vision and not be able to get it back.  So she got her glasses at Thanksgiving and it's gone surprisingly well.  She doesn't like when people make a fuss over them but appreciates compliments.  She did well wearing them to school. 

    We got her glasses right from the eye doc, she's very petite for her age and it was hard finding cute appropriate size glasses!

    Definitely add her to the insurance if you can.  We had added both girls since MH had the same condition and it's genetic (amblyopia).


  • Also, I'll admit, I was very sad she had to get glasses.  Obviously you don't want to have anything wrong with your kids.  But in all reality, if the worst thing is that she has to get glasses, we pretty d@mn lucky.  She said she didn't want them and the first couple days were tough for me cuz I knew she didn't like them etc.  But now it's totally fine and I know it's for her own good.  Plus, she may only be in them for a short while and then will probably need glasses/contacts when she gets a little older.


  • Also, if she needs glasses, we got the cutest book called Princess Peepers that my DD loves.  I dont' know the author off hand but I'm sure Amazon would have it!
  • Sounds like it could be amblyopia.  Erin has that in addition to a cataract and has been seeing a ped ophthalmologist since she was 3 mos old.

    In our insurance plan, her ophthalmologist is covered under regular medical care.  Take note that they dilate a child's eyes every so often (and probably during her first appt) and that many insurance companies do not cover that (mine does not).

    It could be nothing, but it certainly doesn't hurt for your dd to be seen by an ophthalmologist.  Definitely don't wait.  If it is amblyopia, it needs to be treated and is nothing to mess around with, as a child's vision could worsen if not treated.

    Good luck and feel free to let me know if you have any questions!

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