3rd Trimester

36 week appt

I am 1 cm dilated and 60-70% effaced.  It's a start.

My sister never dilated and was ~12% effaced when her doctor admitted her to L&D at 41 weeks so at least I am ahead of her.

I know I could stay like this for a while, but at least it's some progress.


Re: 36 week appt

  • Yay for you, not bad!  I was 50% effaced at last weeks apt, i'm hoping for more progress this Thursday although I'm not holding my breath!
  • That's great.  You must be excited.  I'm expecting nothing at my 36 wk appointment on Friday.  I last had an internal 2 weeks ago after a night of strong, painful contractions and there was no progress to report.  So I'm envious of your progress.  :)

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  • My 36 week apt is tomorrow and I'm just hoping to have an internal.  I need to feel a little light at the end of the tunnel!

    Congrats :)

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  • So annoyed, they didn't check me yesterday but I was 1 cm and 50% effaced at 35 weeks

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