2nd Trimester

Being the mom of a boy

I feel like I need to post all of the reasons I absolutely love being the mom of a boy. I am now pregnant with boy #2 and could not be more excited to have 2 boys and for j to be a big brother. All of the gender disappointment posts are about being pregnant with a boy instead of a girl, and being disappointed. Any other mom's of boys feel like I do? 
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Re: Being the mom of a boy

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    This is awesome! Thank you! I am looking forward to reading the responses!
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    I want a boy so I don't have to deal with the teenaged attitudes of girls :P But I will love my baby regardless of what body part they have :)
    My whole entire world. Mama loves you little baby!
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    Me too! I grew up with ONLY girls. My grandma, then my mom, then my THREE sisters. Now I'm having a boy and have all sorts of confusion and fears and slight disappointment... 

    Thanks :) 

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    I'm head over heels for my boy!!! Having a boy is beyond fun, it's hard to explain, but they are just simply fun. There's nothing like a mother son bond. Boys are protective over their moms, which I find cute and appreciated. And watching DH with our son just melts my heart, they are best friends. We're having twin girls which is great, but even if we were having twin boys I would be so excited. And all the little girls I know personally are snotty, and boys are just chill, they seem to go with the flow better. And I've heard a lot of people say boys are easier, so far mine is.
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    When I was pregnant with Micah DH and I both thought for sure he was a girl.  I was totally looking forward to the pretty dresses and annoying flower headbands.  Plus, I already had 3 nieces whom I adore.  I love baking cookies with them, playing dress-up, curling their hair, etc.  I was disappointed when I found out he was a boy, I just didn't know how to be a mom to a boy.

    But now I am so happy!  He is so full of energy!  He loves running around the house chasing us or having us chase him.  And he takes his little trucks and says, "Vrooooom!"  He "wrestles" with us, but he also snuggles with us.  He's a daredevil and when he was only six months old refused to go in his floatie when swimming.  I so look forward to when he's a little bit older and wants to play ball outside.  Already he loves being outside and going for walks, but I can't wait for him to just kick a soccer ball around or run around the playground.  Now, I'm looking forward to soccer and mud and cars.  I couldn't be happier with my little boy.  And while I would love to have a girl someday, I'm kind of hoping that this LO is a boy so that Micah has someone to play soccer with and wrestle.

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    I am pregnant with our 3rd boy. Our first 2 are 12 & 13. My husband was very disappointed that #3 is another boy. EVERY single person we have talked to that have both has said "I love my daughter and wouldn't trade her but wow, she is so much more difficult than my son(s)".  Every single one.  Obviously I think daughters are great, because I am one....LOL.  But I am so relieved that #3 is a boy.  Boy clothes aren't as much fun, I concede that.  But they sure are cheaper too!!!
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    Me too! I grew up with ONLY girls. My grandma, then my mom, then my THREE sisters. Now I'm having a boy and have all sorts of confusion and fears and slight disappointment... 

    Thanks :) 


    Ditto this

    TTC#2: 8/17/14 // BFP: 9/5/14

    TTC#1: 7/30/11 // BFP: 8/22/11
    DS: Carson Robert 4/29/12

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    I love my boys. They are so amazing and they have their own unique personalities. It is so much fun to watch them grow. I wouldn't want it any other way. I am secretly hoping for another boy :-)



    9 angels in heaven-3 in my arms and 1 in the NICU                                                                                                                                    
    Mono/di twin girls: Josephine born to heaven and Evangeline born Earthside at 25w



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    I can't wait to meet my little man and be able to refer to DH and DS as "my boys".  I'm so in love and can't wait to meet him. 

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    I am pregnant with our 3rd boy. Our first 2 are 12 & 13. My husband was very disappointed that #3 is another boy. EVERY single person we have talked to that have both has said "I love my daughter and wouldn't trade her but wow, she is so much more difficult than my son(s)".  Every single one.  Obviously I think daughters are great, because I am one....LOL.  But I am so relieved that #3 is a boy.  Boy clothes aren't as much fun, I concede that.  But they sure are cheaper too!!!
    This is exactly what I tell people. DD is 8 and I love her dearly but holy crap the boys are so much easier. We were thrilled to find out our last baby is going to be another boy! There really is something to be said about the way a boy loves his mommy.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers BabyFruit Ticker
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    I have a boy and Love being his mom...I will love another boy!! When people say oh I bet you want a girl....I say I would love another boy just the same!!

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers


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    I was so set on having a little girl when I was pg with DS. I just didn't think I could get into boy stuff. How wrong I was!! Boys are so fun! Everything is a giant adventure with DS. The other day we were bored so he suggested we go "watch the diggers"---we spent an hour walking up and down a nearby street watching a construction project. He wore his hard hat (of course!) and patiently informed me about the specific names of all the different machines. It was a riot.
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    I totally agree! I have a little girl, but I also have the sweetest little boy and I'm pregnant with my second boy. They are awesome (so are girls by the way) but my boy is wonderful.
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    I am having a boy and I am over the moon excited about it, even if I don't know exactly what I am in for yet.  The idea of having a mini DH is just so awesome.  I am pretty girly myself but I really look forward to learning about and getting into boy stuff.  Finally, I still get to be the princess of my house and retain exclusive rights to all our walk in closets :-) 
    ***S/PAIFW***TTC since forever ago....

    DH-34-MFI-motility+morphology.... Me-32-Hypothyrpid+LPD

    7/8/11: Clomid100mg+Ovidrel+IUI#1=BFN

    8/2/11: Clomid50mg+Ovidrel+IUI#2=BFFN

    8/25/11: Follistim50iu+Ovidrel+IUI#3=BFP!!!!@14dpo

    Beta#1 9/8 - 251 Beta#2 9/15 - 1622 Beta#3 9/22 - 12674

    1st U/S; heard one beautiful HB of 129 - 9/29/11

    OB visit; HB of 166 - 10/13/11

    2nd US; HB of 163 - 10/18/11

    A/S - 12/9/11 - It's a perfect healthy BOY!!!!

    Our miracle baby boy - born 5/24/12

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    Hi, I am a very proud Mommy to two of the sweetest little boys I could ever imagine. There is something about the bond that we have that is like none other. I can't imagine it any other way! My boys are 2 and almost 4 and I love it. They are rough and tumble but at the same time so cuddly and sensitive. I feel so lucky to have such wonderful boys! In fact I am (team green) hoping for a little brother for my boys too!
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    I am having a boy and I am over the moon excited about it, even if I don't know exactly what I am in for yet.  The idea of having a mini DH is just so awesome.  I am pretty girly myself but I really look forward to learning about and getting into boy stuff.  Finally, I still get to be the princess of my house and retain exclusive rights to all our walk in closets :-) 


    Love this! I feel the same way (about the little boy and the closets) :) 

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    I feel like I need to post all of the reasons I absolutely love being the mom of a boy. I am now pregnant with boy #2 and could not be more excited to have 2 boys and for j to be a big brother. All of the gender disappointment posts are about being pregnant with a boy instead of a girl, and being disappointed. Any other mom's of boys feel like I do? 

    I love little boys! IMO little boy clothes are much cuter and boys have all the cool toys. I obviously want a healthy baby but if I could pick I'd pick a third boy. With DS2 I would have been ok either way but I would have been very dissapointed of DS1 had been a girl.

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    *lurking from 3rd tri*

    When I was pregnant with ds, I really had no clue what I was going to do with a boy but he's so awesome!   I'm even happier to be having another boy!   

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    It does seem like every 'gender disappointment' post is about having a boy. That makes me sad :( ...Boys are awesome people! Yea you can't dress them in dresses and huge hairbows and pigtails, but who cares?!? It's a baby, it's YOUR child that you and your SO created together.

    I have to admit, before I had DS, I pictured myself as a girly mom and wanted just girls. After having DS and now I'm having boy #2, I'm so unbelievably in LOVE with being a boy mommy! Boys ADORE their moms. He's my little buddy, he's my little sidekick, he loves hugs and cuddles from mommy...it's the BEST! Granted I don't have a girl and I'm sure having a girl is amazing too, but I know boys and I couldn't be happier with 2! I do hope one day I have a girl so I can know what's it like to be a girl mom too, but for now BRING ON THE BOYS for me! :) 

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    I love my boy soooooooo much.  He is the sweetest most loving little creature ever!  He loves his momma so much and wants to hug and cuddle all the time.  He says the most adorable things and I seriously could not possibly love him any more than I do now.  I am now pregnant with a girl and even though I was hoping for another boy for a couple of reasons, I couldn't be happier. I am nervous and scared but its also very exciting.

    Seriously, I understand a bit of disappointment when you don't get the sex you desire, but get over it and move on.   This crying and crying and acting like you are SHOCKED that a 50/50 chance didnt go your way is really immature.

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    I'm hoping for a boy this time around, we have 2 girls and the oldest will be 10 in a week and omg the attitude!! Drives me nuts. The 3 year old is starting to pick it up now too. Ugh if it's not a boy I'm sure I'm in for a lot more gray hair
    Number 3 Here we come! BabyFruit Ticker
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    Being the mommy of a boy is AMAZING!!  My little man is so so much fun and he loves his Mommy SO much :o)  It's so sweet when we're shopping and he's riding in the cart and all the sudden he'll reach out and just grab on to me and give me the biggest hug and smile so big!  I just love him so much and can't wait to see him as a big brother!
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    We just found out we are having a boy and couldn't be MORE excited!  I didn't have a preference, but everyone I talk to says they love being a mom to a boy!  I am 1 of 2 girls, and really had no clue as to what to do with a boy, but I am beyond happy!  :-D
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    I love my little boy.  We are expecting a healthy baby that looks to be a boy at this point.  I feel incredibly grateful and blessed after everything we've been through to be expecting our little miracle.
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    So glad you posted this! I am absolutely crazy about my DS! He is so loving, sweet, smart and funny. I have heard boys are 'easier'...not sure if that is true or not, but as long as my next LO is as great as DS I don't care either way. I definitely don't feel like I am 'missing out' on anything...And little boys LOVE their mamas:)


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    I was hoping for a girl only because I already know how girls are - I don't know anything about boys! But when we found out we were having a boy, I was not disappointed at all. I kind of knew in my heart it would be a boy.

    Every day I am more and more excited about meeting my little man! And I can't even believe I ever hoped for a girl - not that I wouldn't someday love a daughter - but I can't imagine not having a boy now. It just seems right for us :)  

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    Having a boy is amazing. And wow, they love their mommies.
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    I am Team Green, but would be just as thrilled with another boy! My son really wants a brother. I grew up with 5 brothers and have 12 nephews so maybe I favor boys a little... lol But it would be so convenient for our family in so many ways. I also just love the connection I have with my son, and could so imagine holding and snuggling with two little mama's boys!
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    Dress up my little boy like his daddy... Suspenders, bow ties, polo's.

    AND... Boy's clothes ARE infact just as cute and adorable as girls clothes.

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    Having my son is the best thing that has ever happened to me!!  I thought I loved my husband, but he is nothing compared to my son!! lol!!!  And my son LOVES ME SO MUCH too!!  He is getting big, and he is totally turning into my mini husband:D  I love watching them playing together and doing all the boy stuff.  

    Plus, like pp said, I actually like boys toys and clothes better.  Especially the toys.  You know all the super hero stuff they get into, they actually have positive influence on my son because almost all the super heroes are 1. very smart/genius and hard working, 2. very wealthy, 3. with a sweet and pretty girl friend:)  My son worshipped Iron Man last year, and he developed a habit of helping other people and not giving up easily.  He thinks if he practices something, he'll get better at it, and he'll be like a super hero:D  I don't find many princess movies to be very inspirational, even though I used to love watching them.  Plus, when I look at those coarse polyester dresses at the Disney store, I feel itchy...


    m/c - Dec 2005, DS - March 27, 2007, m/c - Oct 2009, DD - Feb 20, 2012

    Proud mother of two breech babies:)

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    Boys are amazing!  

    I feel for all of you moms finding out you are having boys and feeling nervous.  I was there a few years ago and I wish I knew how wonderful my son would be and how much I would enjoy having him.  

    Congratulations on your little boys, even if you are not sure what you are going to do with them!


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    I was thinking the same thing, why is everyone so disappointed about having boys?? I am also pregnant with my 2nd boy and couldn't be more excited about it. I love my little guy and am so excited for him to have a little brother!
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    I love this post! I have 4 boys and it's amazing. If I could I would adopt a whole bunch more. I think girls are wonderful too but I just KNOW boys. It's funny because before I had kids I never pictured having boys but I sure do love it.

    Congrats to all the moms having their first, second, or third boys.



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    Great post! I am thrilled to be having a boy (already have a DD though but would have been happy with a boy first as well). For all those moms out there disappointed (even temporarily) about not having frilly dresses and bows in their future--having a girl wouldn't guarantee that either! My DD hates dresses and anything in her hair. She is girl through and through (loves her babies and kitchen) but also plays in the dirt, does soccer class and helps DH with repair projects. Anyhow, I enjoyed this post and am even more excited to be having a boy!
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    I have one of each and I love raising them both and they both come with their own challenges let me tell you! But they are worth every second!
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    i am the mother of two boys. 8 and 1. It has absolutely been the best feeling in the entire world. They are so silly and sweet. My older son protects me. He stays by my side ALL the time. I am extremely excited to have sons in the future that can come in my house and not be ashamed to hug me and tell me he loves me. Sons love their mothers. They melt my heart every second of every day. If i have any more children, I wouldnt mind having one more son.

    Girls scare me.


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    Baby boys are the sweetest and they love their mamas. Not that baby girls don't, but it was pretty different with DD.  That girl was all about business with me.  DS is still super sweet with me and we are very close.  My DD could be the death of me, especially when she's a teenager.  I'm already scared!
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
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    Love this post!

    We are having identical twin boys and could not be happier. Yes  We cannot wait to meet them and introduce them to the girls.  I am a little nervous, to be honest, but am just thrilled. Party!!!

    Of course we would have been happy with girls - we already have two wonderful daughters - but are just over the moon with the fact we're having boys. Especially since our family will be complete with their arrival.

    The only little bit of rain on my parade is that my mom is still suffering from gender disappointment. Nearly 2 months after finding out. I'm sure she'll get over it, but if she doesn't we live in another state Stick out tongue

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    LOVE DS1: ) Loved being pregnant with him and wouldnt trade him for a million girls. 

    I am Pregnant with a DD this time. If I would have been pregnant with DS2 I would have felt the same way as with DS1=<3.

    And hey you never know...I could hear its a BOY even this time again int eh delivery room. U/s have been known to be wrong; )  

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    I LOVE LOVE LOVE being a mommy to a boy. He is an awesome little boy and I wouldn't change it for the world. He cuddles with me when I'm sad and before he goes to bed every night. I think a boy just attaches to the mom more, and that's exactly was DS does. We wake up in the morning together and talk and play, it's just a great joy to have a little boy....

    I can't see why someone would be afraid to be a mommy of a boy. He has melted my heart from day one. 

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