
hepatitis vaccine

Is it ok to wait until the 1 week or 2 week post-NICU checkup to give DD her first hepatitis vaccine. She is receiving Synagis today or tomorrow and we want to put a little space between the two vaccines.
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Re: hepatitis vaccine

  • I don't know, DS got them when the doctors suggested it!
  • We declined the hep b vaccine in the NICU. I wanted to wait a few weeks for DD to gain some weight. The nurses/doctors were completely fine with it.

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  • I think that is completely acceptable. I'll be waiting until 24 months to give my girls the MMR and I will never give more than two vaccinations at any one appointment. A personal choice, but it's what I feel most comfortable with. I spoke with my pedi about it & she agreed that the important thing is to DO IT, regardless of when it's done. Parents everywhere choose to adjust their child's vaccine schedule based on what they feel comfortable with, so I think it's completely normal.
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