
Temper tantrums remind me of

Everytime ds has a tantrum, I always get an episode of Supernanny in my head. He doesn't have them often, but they are usually about him trying to delay bedtime/naptime. Today before nap was bad. He kept getting out of bed, screaming at me, pushing me once and called me a stupid momma once too. Everytime he would get out of bed, I would put him right back in. It lasted a good 10 minutes and  then he was calm enough for me to go back in and tuck him in. He went right to sleep afterwards.

It breaks my heart when he lashes out at me though. (pushing/hitting/calling names). I guess I should just be glad that he doesn't do it often at all, but still.

Re: Temper tantrums remind me of

  • I'm glad you were able to calm him down, as it sounds like he was ready for a nap.  It's so hard though when they are upset with you. 
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  • That is sad, but you are a lucky mommy because your 3 year old still naps!
    Julian David 8/7/06 and Isabella Mia 5/14/09
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  • I get the temper tantrum EVERY morning :-/  DS hates that I wake him and it hurts me to wake him, especially when all he does is fight me, it's a wrestle in the morning to get him dressed and in the car.  I know he's only fighting me because he's still tired, but still it hurts me :-/
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