First supervised visit is today, how do you tell your kiddos about the visit? How much notice do you give them, I would hate to get them excited about nothing...
I was thinking about writing a short note to mom with a picture included, letting her know the kids were thinking of her and what we've been doing...good idea, yea or nea?
It's so close to Christmas...we won't know if we will have them, do we buy them christmas presents or wait until the last moment? Part of me doesn't want to celebrate, because they are so overly stimulated at this point new "beds" "clothes" "toys" etc and are having a hard time dealing with that, I can't imagine bringing MORE new stuff into their lives at this point?!
Re: FPs few questions..
PAL/PGAL Welcome
can the christmas stockings be small gifts?
I mean, hell, I still get an orange in mine :-P
But, you know, stuff they 'need' rather than overwhelming stuff they want...cute socks? school supplies? etc?
late to the game so I don't know if you ended up doing it ...
i always try doing the pictures and letters thing. our first placement - it was a terrible idea and I only did it twice because she became her bi-polar bitchy self. the next 2 I did and dad LOVED it and always thanked us for anything we gave even with the language barrier. same with our 3 girls, mom likes the pictures, letters and art work that i bring her that they've made.