Before we knew whether DD was a boy or a girl, we knew that her name would be Chloe if a girl, and John if it was a boy. Until we found out, we jokingly called her "Chlohn". The name, unfortunately, has stuck a bit, and some people still call her that. I kind of regret ever telling anyone!!!
I really need to stop calling her that because I had a lot of body image issues when I was younger and the last thing I want is to do the same to her with nicknames like this.
Once when DD had a cold when she was about 6 weeks old we called her Booger and it kinda stuck. Now we call her booger all the time. Its awful but I can't stop now. LOL.
DH calls him Turd Nugget when he spits up on him. DH calls everyone who does something he doesn't like a turd nugget, though. Evidently my DH has the mentality of a 7-year old boy.
Re: What's your most unflattering nickname for your DC?
Growing Up Olson
It's short for "gordita" which means fatty.
I really need to stop calling her that because I had a lot of body image issues when I was younger and the last thing I want is to do the same to her with nicknames like this.
Oh my gosh! We have called DD booger butt sooooo many times. It has also been shortened to booger (as mentioned in my post above.) LOL!
Sir Chunkleton (cuz he's a big boy) or The Grumpmeister General (only when he's cranky though).
MIL took to calling him "little leech" but DH put a stop to that one - it's horrible!
Thus far: Mr. Cranky Pants, Fussmeister and Hungry Hungry Hippo...
Bronx Zoo: Summer 2013
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