He has his lovey and found his back up. Ooops.
And now he's ecstatic that he has two bears. He wants to keep both "bear friends" now and is adamant about it.
Any advice? He doesn't seem traumatized by it like I thought he'd be. Like finding out Santa doesn't really exist. But now he has both and won't let either of them go.
What should I do? I've tried explaining that bear #2 wants to go back home and he was just visiting but no dice.
I can just imagine trying to find BOTH bears at night night time and how long that'll take if I can't find both.
Re: Uh oh. DS found both of his loveys
This prob isn't what you want to hear, but Ryan has 2 loveys and it isn't a big deal. A penguin and a bear....he refers to them as "Pengy bear". It isn't that big of a deal and we have never lost either one. They don't go outside the house though unless he goes to spend the night at grandma's!
ETA: Does he want them outside of bedtime or mostly just for sleeping? Lots of times Ryan leaves his in his bed....so maybe you could try that.