
TGIF: Why are you Smiling?!

I miss my girls so I had to stop by and say hello! LIfe is so full right now, and a little stressful, but we're doing well and staying healthy and happy! And boy, and I happy to see so many of my girls are on their way to having more babies =)

So let's do this! Tell me...

Why are you smiling???

Re: TGIF: Why are you Smiling?!

  • I am smiling because I ordered my supplies to make Christmas presents and I don't have to go to the mall this weekend to face the crowds =)

    I am smiling because Ruby has been sleeping through the night, despite getting two new teeth this last 2 weeks!

  • I'm smiling because DH did the 11pm feeding last night by himself so I could go to bed early, even though he worked 14 hours.

    I'm smiling because my LOs are only waking once a night now.

    I'm smiling because my LOs are smiling now!

    Abigail Noelle, 8.29.09
    Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
    Claire Zoe, 10.26.10

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  • I'm smiling bc it's snowing in Houston and DS only got up twice last night to feed. For the past week and a half it had been 4 times a night!
  • I'm smiling (and crying) because PT just left after working with our son and she says that the boys are way ahead of their corrected age. Ryan is even able to do things that 5 month olds do and he's only supposed to be a week shy of 3 months.
  • Because your here :+) we have all missed you

     And Skylar got her first tooth today. Yea!

  • I am smiling because DD had a great check-up yesterday. She is up to
    16lbs and 27ins long, she has some along way for 4lbs.

    Also I can't wait until x-mas. It is going to be soo much fun.


  • I'm smiling because we ALL got SEVEN consecutive hours of sleep last night!

    And because of my new sig pic :-)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I am smiling because we leave to Cabo San Lucas on Thursday!

     I am smiling because my baby is smiling at me! Awww.

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic My 32 weeker is now 3.5!
  • i'm smiling because ryan had a great 1st birthday and we have an awesome party planned for tomorrow!! i can't wait!
  • I am smiling because...

    I had a great birthday yesterday, a ton of my maternity clothes are sellig on ebay, and my LO could be a Moby Wrap model...see pic


  • I am smiling b/c Robinson has been really fussy this week and today I finally figured out the little guy is cutting 4 teeth all at once!!  Here's hoping to better sleep and moods this weekend!
  • I'm smlling beacuse YOUR back! I miss ya!

    And because Lily has started saying "pucka up" (Pucker up) for a kiss - too cute!

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  • I am smiling because my stubborn boy pulled his cannula off today, convincing the doctors to give him one last shot at getting rid of the O2. He has been off of it since 2:30, and is doing great (even breathed through a feeding).
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  • I'm smiling b/c every morning, I get Marino up and when he sees the Christmas tree, he points and says "awww!" like its the most adorable thing he's ever seen. I'm going to bad sad when Christmas is over.

    And b/c you are here today, K!!

  • I am smiling because I live in Texas and it SNOWED today!!  We spent the whole day playing in it.
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
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