Postpartum Depression

PPD & a colicky baby

I know there is no relationship between PPD and having a colicky baby but I'm just wondering who else is dealing with a difficult child. Do you think it makes your PPD worse?

Natalie is a really high strung, difficult baby. I've noticed that when she has bad days, I have bad days. or maybe it is when I have bad days, she has bad days. I just wonder if we contribute to each others mood.

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Re: PPD & a colicky baby

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    I definitely think there's a correlation and I think that babies pick up on our stress and emotions. I know that my breaking point came when my LO was going through some intense gas/formula issues and was fussy ALL day and ALL night. It made the PPD so intense I was a mess!

    My goal is to just try my best to keep my emotions proportional to the situation when we have rough days, and I just have to stop myself every so often during the day to remind myself and say "am I reacting appropriately to this or am I over reacting?" and then I can try and adjust accordingly.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers Broken boob FFing, babywearing, co-sleeping, PPD warrior,colic survivor, proud WAHM! Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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    I can't even imagine how hard it must be to have a colicky baby, period.

    All the emotions that come with an inconsolible baby must be so hard and I would think that PPD could be intensified. I hope that prompts women to seek help sooner. Like the pp said babies pick up on our frustration and restlessness.

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    I think its safe to say there is a strong association between "hard" infants and PPD. DS' bad days made my anxiety level increase which directly resulted in me not eating or sleeping.

    The key is to get some time for yourself (if you are able to) - maybe going for a walk, taking a bath, doing something for YOU so you are able to clear your head even a little bit.

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