So my son likes to suck/bite on his hand, and I've had several family members tell me not to let him do that because it will supposedly be a bard habit to break later and lead to thumb sucking, etc.
Whatever! He's 3 months old, and it soothes him. He doesn't use a pacifier. I've told them this and yet I still see my mom, sister, etc. repeatedly taking his hand out of his mouth. Now I'm catching my DH doing it too.
Give the kid a break, he's a friggin baby!
Re: Family pissing me off re: hand sucking
DS did not suck his hand, but at 3 months old started to refuse his pacifier and suck his thumb (either one) instead. Now at 3 years old he still sucks his thumb (either one).
We did try taking his thumb out of his mouth several times, but as stated above, it obviously didn't Now that he is able to understand why he shouldn't be sucking his thumb, we are trying to get him to stop, but it is extremely hard for him and he is just not ready yet.
Tell them it's called the sucking reflex and babies are supposed to do this!!!