Babies: 9 - 12 Months

What's your "weirdo" word?

My family uses a lot of made up words, likesuchas:

whippledee cream = whipped cream

Cheeriols = Cheerios

bellywash = soda/pop

Arthur T = arthritis

moo juice = milk 

Stasa 01.15.09 * Lexi 03.24.11 * Tommy 04.27.13 * Merklet #4 due 10.10.15



Re: What's your "weirdo" word?

  • boppies = fruit snacks

  • Oi - for "I"

    headlick = headache

    Whenever we don't like something = "Lelluce soup??  I HAATE lelluce soup."  (from BIL as a kid)

    There are tons more.  I never speak correctly with DH and his family.  We made a pact to stop when Isis was born so we wouldn't mess up her speech, but things are slowly creeping back in.

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  • I don't think we have anything like that, but I sometimes get into "amundo" moods.  Exact-amundo, for instance.  You know, like the Fonz.



    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
  • pucky = pacifier
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  • gagglefvck = a bunch of people who really don't know wtf they are talking about but follow each other around aimlessly.

    tootsies = toes

    juicy = fruit cups (this was created by Teagan)

    Teaganese = the language Teagan speaks


  • Cable (pronounced cah-ble) = The TV stations that we get on the TV that only has a digital converter box and antenna

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    my angel babies: 6/10 (chem. pg), 9/10 @ 10 weeks
  • Indifferent  Realizing that I have WAY too many to list!!  DH & I kind of have our own language.  This will surely confuse DD.  She will think that we did it "on purple".
  • imagesevans1975:
    Indifferent  Realizing that I have WAY too many to list!!  DH & I kind of have our own language.  This will surely confuse DD.  She will think that we did it "on purple".

    LOL!  I love that one~

  • I can only think of weird food names, like my family calls pierogies, pahdoggies or just doggies (I'm guessing one of us kids came up with that).  I make up weird names for ds's food.  I call puffs, puffalumps, and the gerber lil crunchers are crunch-a-munches.  I do the same with our cats, ollie=ozzlebobalob and marley=marzelobadob.  IDK why, it just makes things more fun, lol!
  • imageFish4Fun:

    Indifferent  Realizing that I have WAY too many to list!!  DH & I kind of have our own language.  This will surely confuse DD.  She will think that we did it "on purple".

    LOL!  I love that one~

    Trust me, Fish, I've got a LOT more where that came from.  hehe

  • Flamote - remote control

    Plus more, but I can't come up with any! They are in everyday conversation though...

    Charlotte Elizabeth - March 15, 2009
    Natalie Kate - October 4, 2011
    Blighted ovum, d&c at 9w, July 2012
    Blighted ovum, d&c at 10w, September 2013
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  • The only one I can think of right now-


    Delicacy - Dalakatasie

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