Parenting after 35

1st walk outside!

It is a balmy 45 degrees here so we took advantage of the sun. G and I went for a walk today and I finally got to use the stroller. AHHH freedom! Come on Spring! She did excellent and only screamed when I had to bundle her up.
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Re: 1st walk outside!

  • Great job!

    I can't even imagine how it would be to live in cold weather climate with a baby. DD has been for a walk every day since she was 2 days old. It's her favorite part of the day.

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  • We went for a walk too. About 50 here. I was walking with her alot in the fall & then we went into hibernation. The sun felt so good.
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  • Yay! Hope it warms up for you soon.
  • YAY! She'll be big enough when it warms up to really love it. Maddie LOVES to go outside. She squeals. It's really cute.
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  • Ahhhh! Didn't the fresh air feel great?

    Your post makes me extra grateful for the mild climate we have here. Today was beautiful - Ada and I took a walk down to the ocean through Golden Gate Park.

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  • We did too! Luckily we got to go for walks on our vacation in Florida, but it was so nice to be able to walk around our own neighborhood, even if most of it was on the road since lazy people hadn't shoveled their sidewalks from the snow blast last weekend!!!!
  • Yea!!! Isn't that just the best??  Our walks are my favorite part of the day!


  • C and I have been going on walks for about a week now, since the snow finally melted off the sidewalks. I look forward to it and it knocks baby girl right out.  Much better than being planted on the couch watching the snow fall.
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