AF that is...
I was certain she was showing this morning, but since then...nothing.
Adding to my anxiety is that fact that I want to strip wallpaper this weekend, but the chemicals I'm going to use would not be PG friendly.
I wish she'd just make up her mind...FWIW...I also POAS this morning @ 14 dpo = BFN...
Re: Why does she torment me so?
ugggh, I know that torment. Just last month she teased me by being a few days late. Then she came full force with cramps when I was at a football game. Oh how I hate her so.
Hi, Panda.
(*&)(*&$#@ AF tease!
I hope she stays away for a good long while though...
If she shows, strip wallpaper and/or drink heavily.
I'm soooooo with you on this one! Ugh! Suffering through the cramps as I'm typing this...I was also teased this month! Evil AF!!!!
Fingers crossed that wallpaper stripping isn't in your weekend plans!