My neighbor clearly has no problem TELLING me what I am going to be doing tomorrow night.
I went outside to play with my son and she came over and said that since she has no family, no friends, that tomorrow night she needs me to watch her kids while she goes to her sons conference. She then said that I can go to her house with my kids to watch them, and it will only be about 1.5 hours. Then she said "OK?" I was dumbfounded and did not say anything...and then she don't have anything do you?"I could not think fast enough (seeing that I could not lie since she can look into my house..." I am pissed b/c she never asked...she has done this before. I am not a pushover and can hold my own..but this was being blindsided.
How can I get out of this. After a LONG day with my two kiddos...the last thing I need to do is go with MY two kids to this ladies filthy, flea infested house and watch her two kids that are a handful!
Re: How do I get out of being used..I mean...babysitting..
Wow. What a presumptuous person! I'm pretty diplomatic and I have a hard time hurting other people's feelings or letting them down, but I think since she's been so blunt with you you can be just as blunt with her. Just tell her you don't have the energy to watch someone else's child after a day with your own.
I mean, she's going to the conference at his school, right? Shouldn't they understand if she has to bring her child along with her??
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Lie to her, tell her your kid threw up and when she tells you that she is ok with that, tell her that it is not ok with you and just say you are sorry you cannot help.
Of course being honest would be better but I know I would have a hard time saying that I will not be watching your kid in your flea infested house because you never asked and if you had ASKED me with more than 1 day notice I would have watched her kid in your NON-flea infested house since you would hate to scare your precious child's skin with flea bites, lol.
Wow. I wonder why she has no friends.
If it were me, I think I'd do it just because you already said you would at this point, although I'd tell her the kids could come over to my house and watch a movie or something. But I don't think you'd be out of line at all to just tell her no. Even if I did go ahead and watch her kids, though, I'd be having a conversation with her about how you don't appreciate just being expected to hand out big favors like that.