DD's grandmother who has been staying in our house who has been the only caregiver for her was arrest last week for shoplifting. She goes to court today and my DH is going with her because she has no one here to go with her. We are hoping for probation then hopefully she can go to her family in Canada and stay.
This has rocked our whole family as my son had taken her to the store and she tried to blame him for doing it. It is all on tape so thankfully he is not in it and did not know about it. I was so upset when this all happened and she tired to drag my family into it. We now have the baby full time and she has not seen her since this all happened. Our SW said it was up to us how we moved on from here. I hate that she has destoryed our trust and the relationship we were trying to build for DD.
We really need lots of prayers this has been so hard on our family and the kids.
Re: Arrested.....
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