I ordered my Droid! So muthafarking excited.
Also, I need your help por favor. I need a monokini. One of the non skanky wannabe kind. I have looked everywhere. Any ideas?
My search list so far:
Charlotte Russe
Wet Seal
Walmart -
Re: Eclaires----
I see that JCrew is not on your list. This is, quite obviously, A BIG OMISSION.
Let me know how you like the droid! We're waiting until Jan to decide - we could get the iphone now [because we are AT&T now], but our contract isn't up until Jan so I'll need a review.
I totally forgot about JCrew, but alas, they had zilch.
I am hosed.
I will let you know how my Droid works. They are very reasonable price wise for existing customers, I paid 149.99 for mine.
Cause Im super board and tired of searching for Christmas attire for our pictures I found this for you.
Sorry, wont pip so here is the link..
Bwhahahha, if I could pull off that 'kini like the model does, I would SO be all over the "I am a skank wannabe" look, LOL!
I just knew you would love it!
I have no fashion sense but just did a google search for monokini and found a ton. Im not sure what you like though.