3rd Trimester

+*+*ladies on bedrest+*+*+

Hi! I was wondering if any of you could give me some suggestions what I can do for a dear friend who is 31 weeks and on full bed rest. I am going to rent her movies, stop by and visit and see if I can help her clean up the house, but other than that? Any suggestions what you would appreciate having done for you or what you wish you had to keep you occupied?


Re: +*+*ladies on bedrest+*+*+

  • I wasn't on complete bed rest this entire time but on modified bed rest. Maybe you could bring her a good book you have read or some magzines. Food is always good too!
  • I was on bedrest alot with DD and for 2 weeks with this one. Bring her some trashy magazines, or maybe a handheld game of some sort and her favorite snack. You can only watch so much TV in a a day. It gets overwhelmingly dull after awhile. Just hanging out with her will help. I know I got lonely with DD at my mom's during the day and DH at work.
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  • I'm not on full bedrest, but they did take me off work.  I like:

    trashy magazines

    fresh fruits and salads (easy digestable foods)

    fresh sheets and blankets




  • That's so sweet of you!  When I was on bedrest with my first, all I really wanted was interaction with someone (besides DH).  A lot of people stayed away, assuming I needed literal "rest" as in sleeping, but I went stir crazy!  Crossword puzzles, new books, and scrapbooking supplies are all great things to keep busy.  And if you are up for it, playing board games might be fun too.  You are a great friend to do all that when you are pregnant too.  She's lucky!
    I don't know what's up with my siggy and I am too lazy to figure it out.
  • I have been on bedrest since I was at my 30 weeks milestone.  I wish I had someone to fix dinner, pick up my son from school, and just sit with me while my BF was at work  You are a wonderful friend to be this concerned and ask for advice!  
  • I'm not on bedrest, but when I'm not at work, I'm in bed LOL! How about a ball of baby yarn and a crochet hook? I spent hours in bed making LO's baby blanket.
  • Bonzer, I wish I had a friend like you. DH is only doing so much with the soap scum on the shower door, God bless him. Cleaning is a big thing for me. Make sure her laundry is up to date, and as she gets a little closer to her due date, make sure she has her hospital suitcase ready to go and stuff for LO. Is her nursery all ready to go? Everything in place? Board games are great. Check and see if she has Netflix. That's saved my butt, since I think I've gone through my entire DVD collection at this point.  If she has other kids, taking her other ones out for a walk or to play is helpful, too.  I feel so bad for my 20 month old.  He's stuck here all day with me, poor thing!  
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