
Were you spanked as a child?

I was spanked maybe a total of 10 times my whole childhood and I am sure I deserved it each time.  I knew when it happened that I had done something really bad.  Dh was hit with belts and other objects, smacked, spanked ect. He is very close with his parents now (and I would have never guessed that they would have done that).  I feel like if I was treated like this I would still be traumatized.  Maybe it is just because I am a sensitive person?  Were you spanked?  Does it shape your views on discipline for your own children or your relationship with your parents now?
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Re: Were you spanked as a child?

  • I was not spanked. My DH had a situation like your DH's...spanked with the belt, hit slapped, verbally assaulted etc. We both have chosen that we will not spank the kids. I don't believe it's right to lay your hand on a child.
  • My older brother and I were spanked, not often though.  Our younger brother (8yrs younger) was not spanked, just time outs.  My mom says she now regrets spanking at all.  I think seeing her use more effective discipline techniques with my younger brother shaped me the most.  I see spanking as hitting and wrong.  I'm not sure how it would have effected my relationship with my parents if I had been disciplined differently.
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  • Yes, I was (by my dad). He would spank with his hand and belt). My mom would just throw things or

    Yes the spanking has very much changed my views on discipline and has extemely affected my relationship with my dad. We aren't as close as we could be and probably never will be.

  • I was never spanked (well, apparently I was swatted on my butt once when I locked my mom out of the house when I was 2, but it was a swat and I had my diaper on. It is an infamous story in my house). DH was spanked - with a wooden spoon! - but not regularly and not "violently" (although the fact that it was with a spoon makes me cringe).

     We won't spank - I don't believe in it as an effective form of discipline at all. DH would not be averse to spanking for major infractions but has agreed not to spank since I feel so strongly about it.

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  • I was spanked by hand any my mother would sometimes use a flyswatter.  Dh got spanked and got the belt a few times.  Dh and I agree both don't want to spank.
  • I was maybe twice. I have always had trust/respect issues with my parents though, unrelated to spanking.
  • MH and I were both spanked.

    For me, I was spanked only when I had done something really bad. I was never spanked with anything othan than the hand. I don't even remember being spanked really - it has not affected my relationship at all with my parents.

    When it comes to spanking our kids - we still debate this. We've swatted DD a couple of times and she all but laughed in our faces, so not very effective IMO.


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  • I was not, my dad worked for social services and was TOTALLY against it.  DH was, although i'm not sure how often, I don't think very much.  Well we are still at odds over the discipline thing at our house.  I am a SAHM so I do most of the discipline and I use counting and time outs.  So far it is working.  DH thinks we should spank, and while I am not totally against it i think it should be used for VERY limited refractions.
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  • Yes, I was spanked, even occasionally w/ a belt & slapped across the face a few times as a teen.  I was not traumatized & have a great relationship w/ my parents.  
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  • DH and I were both spanked, hand only.  I can probably count on one hand the number of times I was actually spanked, and I always got fair warning.  We're both really close with our parents.  A swat on the butt with a parent's hand is a hell of a lot different than being whipped with belts and stuff like that. 


  • >90% of parents spanked in the 80's.  It was normal.  Apparently now, parents are yelling instead of spanking from what I have been reading.  According to the poll that I did yesterday, 60% of parents on here spank at least some.  

    I was spanked infrequently as a child, always deserved it, probably even needed it, and I do not have any trama associated with it.  Yelling on the other hand...  some of those comments still stay with me.  

    My DD occasionally responds well to spanking.  Particularly when she is out of control and needs to be reset.  I only do it if she has physically hurt someone, so not often, but I don't feel bad about it, since I very seldom have to do it.  Much better than screaming at her or spending hours listening to her scream at me and hit me when she gets too out of control.  

    My DS, he is different.  He is much to young to spank, but I think his mellow personallity will make it where he doesn't need to be spanked.  

  • I also got whacked with a spoon once by my mom while we were in the kitchen...she was trying to cook dinner and I was acting like a little sh!t.  It hurt, but you can bet I never acted like that again.  I'm not traumatized by it. 

    DH and I aren't all gung-ho about spanking, but the kids have each gotten swatted a couple of times.  We ALWAYS give fair warning.  Usually just the threat of a spanking (or time out, or whatever) works well enough to get them to stop the behavior.

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