I'm actually relieved. I have scripts for both her and DS. The nurse swabbed her and when she got the results she went to the doctor and said, "Her worst nightmare just came true."
I put a call into my doctor and they are calling it in for me. I think DH already has it, but I'm going to call his doctor now.
Just in case you're wondering what her symptoms were... she had a dry cough all week. She was more emotional than usual. Yesterday she woke up hoarse and then with a productive cough. 102 fever by the evening and very emotional. Night sweats last night and 101.3 fever this moring. She was pretty lethargic with water eyes before the motrin this morning. After the motrin, she is bouncing off the walls.
I think DS has a fever right now. I wanted to wait until he was out of the carseat for a bit to check, but I'm getting ready to take his temp.
Thanks for the support ladies!
Re: Update- She has H1N1