2nd Trimester

Bump getting smaller??

It seems like my bump is getting smaller. Maybe it is that it just isn't getting much bigger. I don't know but it makes me worry about the baby. Anyone else? It's especially smaller in the morning, which makes sense, but I hate that. It seems like I am at a bump stand still.

Re: Bump getting smaller??

  • I had a bump at 12w that almost completely went away until a couple weeks ago. When we were on vacation, I was wearing my normal clothes be-bandless, whereas I hadn't been able to button them before. Your bump could very well have just been bloat that's starting to go away. 
  • You probably have bloat still. So when you first wake up in the morning there is no bloat but as the day goes on it comes and makes you look bigger. That's how I was around 15/16 weeks now my belly is big the moment I wake up. No worries.
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  • I don't think my bump has grown at all in the past month.  It does come and go, but you may just be used to it too which makes you feel like it is smaller. 
  • I am the same way, my theory is my stomach spent the night digesting the food in my stomach.  So, in the morning, my stomach is empty.  The more I eat the bigger my bump gets.  Its largest in the evening.  I can barely eat anything at night.  
    BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Funny, I was just thinking that my belly looked smaller than usual this morning too and of course I started to worry too. I had heard on here about the bloat going away at some point and then being replaced by baby, but of course still got a little nervous. I think it's natural for us to overthink every little thing during this time but I wouldn't worry unless you have other signs something is wrong (major cramping etc). The little one is still so tiny in there...and I'm sure we'll have plenty of time at the end to feel HUGE and be wishing it would go down a bit Wink

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  • I think your all right. My bump went from low to a lot higher up. Which means the bloat went away and also I think I am just used to it which makes it seem smaller. Thanks. I do feel reassured.
  • imagebobbidall:
    I am the same way, my theory is my stomach spent the night digesting the food in my stomach.  So, in the morning, my stomach is empty.  The more I eat the bigger my bump gets.  Its largest in the evening.  I can barely eat anything at night.  

    trust me when your belly is baby and not bloat no matter if you just ate or haven't eaten for hours it's still big! lol

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  • mine just got a lot smaller today too. ?I am a little worried that it's not growing right, but yesterday I had a dr's appt and they heard the HB and it's very strong! ?So, we're going for the big U/S in a week and a half and hopefully the baby looks good.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My bump IS getting smaller...either that or my maternity pants are getting bigger. I've been back in my prepreganncy clothes for a week or so now because the maternity pants are just so big on me (they used to fit just right, almost snug). I'm not really worried about it though, I know it'll grow they way it needs/wants to. lol
  • That means its not a bump yet, and its only bloat.  Once you get the real bump, it only gets bigger, and does not fluctuate overnight.
  • About a week ago I noticed my belly was smaller but I think it was the bloat going away. Now it feels different and is higher underneath my breasts.  So I think I offically now have a bump and bye bye bloat :)
  • imageanabell0920:

    I am the same way, my theory is my stomach spent the night digesting the food in my stomach.  So, in the morning, my stomach is empty.  The more I eat the bigger my bump gets.  Its largest in the evening.  I can barely eat anything at night.  

    trust me when your belly is baby and not bloat no matter if you just ate or haven't eaten for hours it's still big! lol


    I agree - you will DEF be able to tell the difference when bump is ALL baby.. Lol..

  • I was on WW before I got pregnant, so I would log weekly my weight, waist, hips, thighs and bust measurements.  I just kept doing it to see how much I grow.

    Last week my "waist" was 41" and this week it's 40".  I am definitely all bump...but I suppose I could be measuring it slightly different each time since I don't have such a definitely "waist" anymore.  It does mostly go up, but occasionally it goes down a little.  Here's the last several week's measurements:









    Gosh I'm growing!

    Bianca image.
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