
How much $ to alter clothes?

Anyone know (ballpark figure) how much it costs to have a tailor take in a pair of pants or a blouse?  How many sizes down can you have something altered?

Re: How much $ to alter clothes?

  • No idea on that type of tailoring, but just to get my pants hemmed on the bottom (pretty simple) it costs $18 a pair.  So I can't imagine it would be super cheap if they were doing something extensive.

  • Any more than a size, maybe 2, is going to require major reworking and will not be worth the cost. I recently had the pleats taken out of the back of a casual summer dress and it was $40. To get the sleeves on my blazer hemmed it was $25.
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  • Since plain old hemming can range from $10-25, I am going to say that more extensive alterations will be $25-50ish.

    You can only take something in so far before it starts deforming the clothes (EX: the rise of the pants can be affected)


    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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