Baby Names

back up name

If LO turns out to be a girl she will either be Paige Rae or Evelyn (Evie) Rae...thoughts? Rae is definitely the middle name, it is in honor of my grandfather.I know it's unlikely but both my cousing and I were supposed to be boys and our parents thought of names at the last minute.


"Normal day, let me be aware of the treasured day you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart...let me hold you while I may."


TTC #1- unexplained...lost left ovary 4/07 IUI #1 2/10/09-BFN IUI #2 3/5/09-BFN IVF # 1-BFP

TTC#2- FET 4/7/11 BFP, Natural mc 5/5/11 IVF#2 ER 9/13/11, ET 9/16/11, Beta #1 9/27/11 BFP 254 Beta #2 9/30/11 793 -Twins!

Re: back up name

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