

Check out my photo below.  My hairdresser did a great job of fixing the original wig.

Hope you're getting some much deserved rest.

Re: Mags

  • LOL!!!  That looks great!!!

     I did get a nap today - it was fab.

     Hows Josh feeling?

  • He's back to his crazy self again.  Hope Lucas is too.

    His preschool teacher called me today while I was getting a massage and so I answered it worried he was sick again.  She wanted me to know that he spelled his name outloud today for the first time without any help.  Everyone was very excited.  Big Smile

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  • Yay for him!! That's huge!! Luc is better too, but now another kid at the sitters has the same thing... I hope he doesn't give it back to Luc.
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