and not a high risk OB due to having multiples? I'm seeing my regular gyno/ob but I've noticed that a lot of the women here are seeking high risk OB's. I havent had any complications thus far (I'm only 14wks 4dys). A friend of mine is seing a high risk OB and is carrying twins w/o complications and is at 14wks also.
Re: Is anyone else seeing a regular OB
Thank you for responding. My OB has delivered many multiples safely. I just didnt see why I would need to see a specialist if I'm not having any complications, but my girlfriend who is also pregnant with twins was shocked that I'm not. Kind of made me second guess my own judgment.
Thanks for sharing : )
I see both. My OB referred me to the MFM. OB does all the regular stuff--HB's, urine test, blood pressure, weght, etc. MFM does all my u/s's, genetic testing, etc. (he takes BP and weight too though).
i'm seeing my regular OB. all of the doctors at the practice have received the same training as a MFM specialist.
they recently delivered a set of healthy quads and a couple of sets of triplets. i think they can handle me and my twins.
i should add that all of my u/s are performed at the hospital and read by an MFM. my regular OB doesn't do level II u/s, which are apparently standard for twins.
My OB is experienced with twin pregnancies and I have not had any complications either.
I will see my OB as scheduled and I will just get my U/S from now on at a MFM clinic every 6 weeks, starting monday up until the end. So I'll be seeing them 3 or 4 times total. Everything else will still be done at the OB's office.
I went to a regular OB. They have taken care of many twin moms. One of the OBs had twins too. When I started I was the only one with twins at that time. Then all of a sudden there were a bunch of new twin moms after me. I even offered and talked to some of the moms.
They had great plans for how they take care of multiple births and I'm very thankful I stayed with them.
Beta #1 15dpo 298, Beta #2 18dpo 1048
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They arrived at 36 weeks after PTL and bedrest for 14 weeks.
This for me too.