
Is anyone else seeing a regular OB

and not a high risk OB due to having multiples?  I'm seeing my regular gyno/ob but I've noticed that a lot of the women here are seeking high risk OB's.  I havent had any complications thus far (I'm only 14wks 4dys).  A friend of mine is seing a high risk OB and is carrying twins w/o complications and is at 14wks also.   


Re: Is anyone else seeing a regular OB

  • I'm seeing my regular OB.  I asked him about seeing a Peri/MFM, he said that he's done the same training.  He's pretty laid back (which I really like) and has been in practice for a little over 25 years, I trust his judgment.
  • I mostly only saw my regular ob, but I did meet with a peri a couple times who reviewed my u/s results a couple times.
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  • imageAussie*s_Mom:
    I'm seeing my regular OB.  I asked him about seeing a Peri/MFM, he said that he's done the same training.  He's pretty laid back (which I really like) and has been in practice for a little over 25 years, I trust his judgment.

    Thank you for responding.  My OB has delivered many multiples safely.  I just didnt see why I would need to see a specialist if I'm not having any complications, but my girlfriend who is also pregnant with twins was shocked that I'm not.  Kind of made me second guess my own judgment.

    Thanks for sharing : ) 

  • I see both. My OB referred me to the MFM. OB does all the regular stuff--HB's, urine test, blood pressure, weght, etc. MFM does all my u/s's, genetic testing, etc. (he takes BP and weight too though).

  • I saw both....but mainly my regular OB.  Well....let me rephrase that.  I was seeing a regular OB in my hometown who I love.  He delivered my first child.  However, when I found out I was having twins I decided to switch OBs because the hospital here does not have a NICU...and I not only wanted to deliver in a hospital with a NICU but a level 4 NICU at that.  So I sought out OBs in a town an hour away that delivered at the hospital with the level 4 NICU.  I came to a practice that had several OBs.  After talking with the nurses during my NSTs I discovered which OB I wanted to deliver me at that practice.  Baby A was head down but Baby B was breech.  I wanted a vaginal delivery and he was the only one in that practice who was not only willing to do it but also VERY good at it.  All the nurses at the hospital had seen him in action and had rave reviews of him.  So that's who I chose to deliver me (I had my option since I was being induced at 38.5 weeks.)  During my pregnancy I did also see a perinatologist about 3 times but I was fine and so were the babies so I didn't need to see him for an extended period of time.  I maybe saw him between weeks 18-25.  So, I did switch OBs and not see my regular one but he was a regular OB and not a peri if that makes sense.
  • I see a regular OB (who was referred to me by the midwives I saw during my first pregnancy) for all of my regular appointments.  When I go in for ultrasounds, I see the MFM that oversees the u/s unit at the hospital. I'm really happy with the arrangement because I feel like I'm getting the best of both worlds.
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  • Yep, I seeing my regular OB. He's had experience with multiples and I'm comfortable dealing with him. DH and I decided that as long as there are no complications, we just wanted to deal with one doctor.
  • ditto most pps. I see a regular OB for all appointments and a peri for ultrasounds.
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  • I'm seeing my regular OB.  She has experience with twins and multiple births.  I asked her if I need to see an MFM and she said that she consults with them and just because I'm pregnant with twins does not make me high risk.  I trust her completely and if I didn't I would switch. 
  • I rotated between the various OBs and the MFM at a practice that lists high-risk among their specialties. I don't know if that means the other OBs there were high-risk, but at 31w I actually switched to a regular OB because I was having a complication-free di-di pregnancy and I wasn't happy with the care I was receiving from the OBs/MFM at my practice (the big thing is they were extremely high-intervention and I felt they had condescending attitudes toward their patients).
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • i'm seeing my regular OB.  all of the doctors at the practice have received the same training as a MFM specialist.

    they recently delivered a set of healthy quads and a couple of sets of triplets.  i think they can handle me and my twins.  :)

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • i should add that all of my u/s are performed at the hospital and read by an MFM.  my regular OB doesn't do level II u/s, which are apparently standard for twins.


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  • My OB is experienced with twin pregnancies and I have not had any complications either.

    I will see my OB as scheduled and I will just get my U/S from now on at a MFM clinic every 6 weeks, starting monday up until the end.   So I'll be seeing them 3 or 4 times total.  Everything else will still be done at the OB's office.

  • I saw my regular OB, but had my u/s's and NSTs at the MFM office. My OB consulted with the MFM office on decisions, including the decision to induce me. My OB delivered the babies.
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  • It is recommended to see an OB and a peri when you are pregnant with multiples as multiples are high risk even if you have no complications.  Peris are trained to pick up on any issues that may occur that are unique to multiple pregnancies.
  • I am seeing both, an OB and an MFM.  My insurance covers it, because the twin pregnancy is automatically considered high risk.  I like 2 pairs of eyes on me at all times, complications or now.  In twin pregnancies complications usually arise later in the pregnancy, close to or during the 3rd trimester, I would want two very good doctors following me during that time. 
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  • I see my regular OB. I had one appt with a Peri, but he said that he didn't see a reason to see me again. My OB said that she wanted me to see him so that if in the future that I had complications that were beyond her knowledge of twins (which is actually pretty extensive) that the Peri would know my case and know what had been going on. I feel very confident in my OB and her knowledge of multiples.
  • I went to a regular OB. They have taken care of many twin moms. One of the OBs had twins too. When I started I was the only one with twins at that time. Then all of a sudden there were a bunch of new twin moms after me. I even offered and talked to some of the moms. 

    They had great plans for how they take care of multiple births and I'm very thankful I stayed with them.  

    TTC since 7/06, found out about PCOS on 8/31/06 Dec.2007~ Metformin 1500mg, prenatals, Femara 2.5mg)(cd3-7), Gonal F 100iu(cd5-?) and Ovidrel with TI. DH~ antibiotics to improve motility (cd1-10)
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  • I was only seeing my regular OB (who actually has twins herself, and has a research interest in twin pregnancies).  However, when I was about maybe 17 weeks, I saw another OB in her office who recommended that I get a Level II u/s at the peri's office that works out of the same hospital.  I was glad I wound up doing so, because we found out that my DS's umbilical cord was only 2-vessel instead of 3, and I got to know the peris (there are 3 in the office).  It was nice to know them already when I wound up admitted in PTL at 22w1d.  Don't let me scare you though -- if I hadn't had complications I would have loved to have stayed with my OB exclusively!
    After 20 months TTC with PCOS, we were blessed with twins!
    They arrived at 36 weeks after PTL and bedrest for 14 weeks. Lilypie Third Birthday tickers image
  • I only see my regular OB, she's delivered lots of sets of twins. There were three sets in utero in the office when I started with her.  I got raves about her when I went to visit the L&D floor and NICU at my hospital. All my U/S are done in her office. I do have weekly NST's at the perinatal center of my hospital because they have a twin monitoring system.
  • imagepreheatedoven:
    ditto most pps. I see a regular OB for all appointments and a peri for ultrasounds.

    This for me too. 

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