

Just posted on 2nd trimester...but thought I would try here, as well. 

I went to my midwife yesterday and when she listened for the heartbeat she heard it clearly across my uterus.  She also said I felt a bit big for 13 weeks.  So, we are going in on Tuesday for an u/s for "dating and twining".

Has anyone else gone thru this?  What was the outcome?  I'd love to have twins, don't get me wrong...but I can't quite seem to wrap my head around that potential daycare bill!



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Re: Twins?

  • I haven't gone thru this. I had an u/s at 5 weeks and we saw 2 sacs. I just wanted to say good luck! Hope everything goes well at your u/s Tuesday and you get the outcome you want!
  • thank God you are getting an ultrasound... we've had some quacks come on here thinking they heard a 2nd HB but never got an US... and were just wondering, etc.... the US will confirm singleton or twins - best of luck - whatever is meant to be will be!

    and yeah- daycare for just one sucks- try 3! :)

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  • i can only imagine! :)

    they sure are cute, though!


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