
what's your top 10 mommy faves?

I found my top 10 from about a year ago ...

10. I love that she calls Dora, Dorba; heavy, hebby; and on is ond and I hate correcting her b/c I think it's too cute.
9. I love how she likes to run now and instead of walking, she'll say run, run, run and move as fast as her chubby thighs will take her.
8. I love that she loves her baby dolls just as much as eating mud.
7. I love that I still get excited every morning when I hear her in her crib.
6. I love that she thinks daddy's undies are his bloomers.
5. I love that sweet little voice and her great laugh.
4. I love that she got her daddy's sense of humor.
3. I love that she cuddles with me at night again.
2. I love it when I see her hold daddy's hand.
1. I love that she said for the first time in public, "lub you (slight pause) mommy" when i left for work today.

 I need to think of new ones now that she's quickly approaching 3! What are yours?

Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}

Re: what's your top 10 mommy faves?

  • Those are so cute!

    10. I love that Joey purposely made himself "fall" off of his scooter this morning since Cam was crying since she just fell off of hers.  She started laughing when he did it!

    9.  I love that, even though I think I'm the world's worst mom, my kids would choose me over anyone --- incl. Joe.  That wasn't always the case but since SAH with them, I am their world.

    8.  I love that my kids laugh.  A lot. 

    7.  I love that Cam is sad when Joey is sad.  She really is a sensitive, caring girl and if Joey cries, she cries.

    6.  I love that everyone that meets Joey instantly loves him!  He just has this way about him.  He will be the kid in school that will be a trouble maker, but will get away with it b/c you just can't be mad at him!

    5.  I love that Cam is ready for kindergarten at the ripe old age of 3.  I'm serious --- I could send her tomorrow and she would do absolutely fine.  She is very articulate, always has been, and it's comforting for me since Joey is pretty much the exact opposite.

    4.  I love Joey in the morning.  He is so snuggly, and happy, and caring.

    3.  I love that I get the joy of raising a son and a daughter.

    2.  I love that my kids pretend to cut down trees, and pretend they have "jobs" where they have to bring their bucket trucks, and chippers and stumpers.  They admire Joe so much!!

    1.  Wow, I did fine with 9.  Can't think of a 10th?!  Hhmmm....I love that I get to be a child again when it comes to things like Disney, and Halloween costumes, and wardrobes and parades and fireworks and ......

  • This is a great post!

    1. I love that she's FINALLY starting to repeat things and that she correlated the name of her church friend to their teacher last night.

    2. I love that her mouth pretty much NEVER stops going and last night she sat in her coloring corner for 30 minutes talking/reading to her pics

    3. I love that she will easily go to anyone & stay at anyone's house without question or hesitation

    4. I love that she calls pom-poms her "go-gos" and I hate to correct that

    5. I love that she loves other kids, even if the fact that she wants to hug all of them eeks me out a bit

    6. I love that while she is a trial with me, she is wonderful for everyone else

    7. I love that she now puts her hands together & starts to say grace if we haven't done it in a timely fashion

    8. I love that she loves to go...all the time, in the car, walking, whatever

    9. I love that she calls football "Go Daddy Go" (he coaches little league) and while I try to correct her, it's only half way

    10. I love that she LOVES our dogs, to the point that it's one of her first thoughts when she gets picked up.

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  • jodi - those are wonderful!

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • 10. I love that Ian is the cutest 2 year old in glasses.

    9. I love that he is the worlds most affectionate kid ever

    8. I love that Ashley, as much as she is a pain, truly adores her mother.

    7. Ian makes me laugh hysterically many times per day.

    6. I love watching my husband be the worlds best dad to Ashley, even though she isnt his biological dad. Melts my heart.

    5. I love that Ian grabbed my bood today and said " I pinch your chunk chunks"

    4. I LOVE that Ian will ALWAYS insist on kissing my boo boo's If I get hurt

    3. I love that Ian tells his dad that he is stinky if he rips one

    2. I love that DD is so flipping gorgeous, and that she is a spitting image of me

    1. I love that being a mom entitles me 1 whole bottle of wine as many nights of the week as I want. 

  • 10. I love that she has quite the imagination and no baby is ever named normal names like Mary or Sally. It's more like Dinga and Bobji.

    9. I love that she loves to do art projects and cutting and gluing is so exciting.

    8. I love that she truly loves her baby brother. It's like kindred spirits kind of love. Remind me to reference this when they are about to kill each other over a toy.

    7. I love it when she uses "No kidding!" totally out of context and instead of saying yes, when she agrees with something she says, "I know it!"

    6. Even though I love it when she sleeps in her big girl bed throughout the night, I still don't mind seeing that precious little face staring at me first thing in the morning.

    5. I love her bathtime song, "Scrub a dub, dub - Malia's in the tub because she is" I'm pretty sure her daddy taught her that.

    4. I LOVE her facial expressions.

    3. I love it that we can carry on conversations.

    2. I love how when we're sitting next to her, she snuggles right in and rests her hand on our arm.

    1. I love seeing both me and my dh in her - more and more every day.

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
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