Missouri Babies

Starting on table food

At DS's 9-month check-up, the pedi said we could advance him to mostly table foods, which is good because the jarred food doesn't seem to be filling him up as much the last few weeks.  He eats Cheerios, puffs, peaches (in the mesh feeder), banana pieces, and has tried crackers and pancakes. What did you start your DC on as far as "real" food, and how much did you give him at a meal?
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Re: Starting on table food

  • There is a great book...Child of Mine by nutritionist Ellyn Satter.  My dietician mother-in law gave it to me and I will be using it quite a bit when the time comes. 
  • Thank you! I've checked out a couple of other books, but neither appear to be by people with dietician training. I will look for that one!
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  • I know this is late, sorry, but with my girls we just cooked up some of their favorite veggies and cut them up and put them on their trays. The LOVE being able to feed themselves and really don't have too much of an interest in eating foods we have to spoon feed them now. We started simple with peas, carrots and green beans. The love bananas (well Lillian has been boycotting lately) small cubes of cheese, graham crackers, noodles of any kind, any type of meat, pear, plums, peaches and just about everything they can get there hands on. There isn't much they will not eat and that has caused them trouble. Hope it is all going well for you. 
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