Can anyone recommend what crib mattresses to get or to avoid? I'm thinking that a good mattress may make a difference..and with twins, I'm sure I'll be up enough at night for feedings without having to worry that they're uncomforable.. At the same time, I want to find something affordable, especially since we'll need two! Also, where to get them..
Re: crib mattress recs?
My girls aren't here yet but I heard good reviews (at Babies R Us website) about the Serta Perfect or the Simmons Time Radiance mattresses. They aren't the most expensive that this store offers but not the cheapest either.
you want a firm mattress, and want it to fit very snug in your crib. Some cribs are slightly bigger than others- even if standard size.... so wait until you have your cribs so you can see if they fit right. The mattresses I got for our Ikea cribs were just a TAD too small - so I had to find mattresses that were slightly bigger (again, still standard size- they can vary by an inch or so).
We got the Safety 1st mattresses from Walmart, after I did much looking.... they are very firm, and only $40.
We spent $$$ on my first son's mattress - and i can say, they are exactly the same. Unless you are looking for organic or some other special type of mattress (which i think is kind of a waste... it's babies sleeping on it- not adults with bad backs, etc)... then you really don't need to spend a ton.
We bought these:
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
We will soon have 3 of this one...
We originally registered for a less expensive mattress for my baby shower (1st baby) because I wanted to keep it affordable for people. Well my parents ended up buying our crib and mattress, and apparently my mom spent some time checking out ratings, fire specifications, etc. and they ended up buying the Serta Perfect Night.
It held up so well that we bought another one when our 1st son moved to his toddler bed and we needed another crib mattress for our 2nd. Now we're planning to buy another one because we'll be using 3 cribs once the twins arrive!!
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***