Upstate NY Babies

So I've made a decison re: BFing

Basically.. We're done.. My boobs are just done making milk..  Eve gets a few "sips" per feeding and then needs a bottle anyway.. and then I pumped last night after not feeding her for close to 12 hours and I got 4.5 oz..  I am going to stop pumping after work as of today.. And maybe nurse her in the mornings once for a few more days.. but basically we are going to go to straight formula.

I KNOW its the right decision.. and I will be glad to  stop dragging the pump around and have my boobs just be mine again.. but I am pretty sad about it too..

Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
baby growth

Re: So I've made a decison re: BFing

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    If you know it's the right decision, then it is!  No longer how long you make it, I still think you're sad when you stop so it's completely normal.  And I will say...I didn't even want to breastfeed, got talked into it, and ended up going 16 months!  I was so sad to stop...even made my husband take a pictured of us nursing so I can always cherish that memory.  But, having gone a month now without nursing or pumping, it's WONDERFUL to have my boobs back! :)  If you have pain, put cabbage leaves in your bra.  I thought people were crazy, and I couldn't believe how much it helped!
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    You know yourself M- and although its sad- you did give it a shot and you lasted longer than a lot of people...

    Good luck with the transition..just trust yourself! 

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    Good for you for making it as long as you did!!! you did a great job! YOu made it longer than you thougt. Remember when you were only doing it until you went back to work? Well that was many months ago.  You should be very proud of yoursefl. 
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    It sounds like you are making the right decision.  Sorry that you are feeling sad about it, but I'm sure it will be such a huge relief not to have to pump anymore.  I know I've said it before, but I really give you, and all the other working moms so much credit for dealing with pumping at work for as long as you did.  
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    You did awesome!!!   And I know how hard it's to make the decision to stop. I keep telling myself that I am not going to allow myself to feel guilty the next time around.  I will bf for as long as I can and then switch over.
    Lilypie Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    You did an awesome job. Eve is healthy and smart and growing fine (umm and super cute). Once you "know" it's the right decision, it's "time". I still have a few sad moments but I'm glad I weaned when I did.
    imageimageLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    ditto to all the PPs. you did an excellent job!
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