Orange County Babies


I read in another post that you have the Puff Rocking Chair. I am looking for a comfy chair to put in DD's room. Do you like the Puff? Is there room on it for a parent and toddler to sit together?


Re: ~MISSLB02~

  • You know what, I haven't even taken mine out of the box yet.  We are painting the nursery this weekend.  But I sat in my friend's chair that she had and I loved it.  It's like getting hugged with a giant pillow.  :)  It took me so long to settle on a chair, everything I saw was just fugly.  And there was no way DH was going to let me buy a Monte Luca Glider, so I went with the puff rocker. As soon as we put it together I will post and let you know if there is room for you and another child.  My dog will probably jump up there with me so that will be the tester.  :) 

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  • I know what you mean. I am so picky about a chair. I also liked the Monte Luca Glider, but $1000!? Ya right.
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