Wow - can't believe it's been 5 days already! I will write more about our hospital experience and the day she was born when I have a chance. I just wanted to tell everyone that she's doing great. She's sleeping right now next to me as I type this. She's just wonderful. Part of all this seems so surreal but it just all feels so right - like she's home and has always been here. Does that make sense?
I will post pictures at some point, but I think I'm going to wait until after the TPR is signed...I'm dying to right now, but I think we will wait. Not sure when the court date will be but hopefully sooner rather than later.
Z (Zoe's birthmom) is doing okay...she has emailed us. She even emailed us pictures from the day of her birth - can you believe that? I cried when we opened them.
Feeling so very blessed.
Thank you for all the comments and wishes in the other post - it was wonderful to read all of them!
Re: Zoe is 5 days old today!
YAY - so sweet. These early days go so quick and they change oh so much! Enjoy it.
And, now you need a new ticker!
Have I mentioned how happy I am for you?
Give Zoe a big kiss and tell her it came all the way from Barbados! I am dying to see pictures but good things come to those that wait right? lol
Congratulations again mommy!
It goes by so quick, huh?
I'm so glad that all is going well - how long until TPR is finalized??
Could be 2-8 weeks...hoping it's closer to 2!
Time flies by doesn't it?! Just wait when you are looking at her 6 month pics and wondering "How did that happen?!"
Praying that you only have to wait two weeks!
Looking forward to seeing a pic of your beautiful baby girl!