I wanted to give you some actual advice. Does your C have issues being in the crib at all? Is the screaming new?
I do have to say that letting them cry isnt the solution because they are so young. Is it a battle at each nap time? Have you tried a swing? Tried wearing the baby? I wore my twins for months because they just wanted to be near me all the time.
I highly suggest "the happiest baby on the block". Are your DC swaddled? My girls loved miracle blankets, they helped us with sleep issues.
We are here for you if you need advice like scheduling.
Re: ****Shanseur*****
My only suggestion (b/c these other ladies pretty much said it all) is that my DD Ayva was VERY particular in HOW she was laid in her crib. She had to be in a certian position or she just couldn't fall asleep. Maybe try snuggling him up against a blanket roll. Ayva always liked it sort of on her side w/ a blanket roll behind her, kind of like an arm or just something was behind her. I kind of think it made her feel less alone HTH