how long was the recovery? Am I naive to think I can have the surgery on a Thursday and go back to work on Tuesday? All I do is sit at a desk and type.
I have my consult next week and I'll ask the doc, but I want some real life stories here.
Re: If you had a breast reduction
We tell our pts to take two weeks off. I'm sure each doc will have different restrictions, but we tell ours-no overhead reaching for two weeks, no more then 5lbs for weight lifting...
It's a big thing. I think you should take at LEAST a week, but that's even on the small side.
I figured I was being stupid about this... I really need the surgery, I was approved for it 2 years ago when my boobs were smaller, but I knew I wanted another kid so I held off -- now I am SO ready for it, but I don't have enough sick/vacation time to take off for 5-10 days.
Good for you for waiting!
We have peps that don't wait...ugh.
This would be covered under FMLA if your job offers it.
If only I didn't exhaust my FMLA when I had DD in January.
I guess I'll get the consult and go from there... maybe my job won't mind.
Oh dang... Good luck!!