So, one of the bright spots in this hard process was that our insurance was going to cover meds. I called them, went down the list of commonly used injectables with them, and was told yes to everything, with prior authorization.
Today, my RE's office called to get said authorization, and was told they will not cover anything related to fertility. The nurse said this kind of thing happens all the time.
Um, why the heck else would I need Gonal-F? (maybe there is really a reason...but I said it was for fertility issues!)
I need to call my insurance company and do battle. But right now, my head hurts. Plus, I'm on a deadline.
Thanks for listening.
Re: Insurance vent.
I'll growl for you too. Grrrr. Insurance is so frustrating some times. Make sure any time you talk to the insurance company you write down the date, time, who you talked to what the conversation was about and who you talked to as well. These things come in handy if you need to contest things in the future.
I'm sorry it seems like each step is this whole process has been such a PITA. Good luck with your appeal.
Thanks, ladies. I needed that vent - and even more, I needed to know that I'm not alone in this land of frustration!
I am better now because:
A. You girls rock! Thank you again.
B. I know that if the insurance wack-a-doos don't relent, DH and I will still go forward with at least this one IUI.
C. They had those little candy pumpkins, cousins of candy corn, at the grocery store.
Feel your pain. I'm gearing up for a battle as well. I have well documented abdominal pain so I'm hoping that the upcoming lap. that my RE is probably going to want to performed will be covered.
Financially we are preparing for the worst, but hoping for the best...
I'm sorry the insurance company is being a complete a-hole. Give it to 'em, joyful!!!
Candy pumpkins are awesome!