Baby Names

Vote for my names?

I have a narrowed, to 3, list.

It could end up none of these by some crazy chance, but our time is dwindling and I'd like some input :)

Thank you :)

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Re: Vote for my names?

  • I voted, but I'm no help. I voted Yes to all 3, because they are all beautiful names, a little different without being too out there. I think I do like Gwyneth and Scarlett slighly better than Elle though.

    By the way, I love the pic in your sig of both of your kids together - too cute!

  • I like Elle and Gwyneth.  Scarlett makes me think of the fever!
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  • I LOVE ELLE!!  Super cute name :)
  • They are all NMS, but I think Gwenyth is the best. Scarlet has too many negative associations (fever, letter). Elle isn't a stand alone name to me and reminds me of Legally Blonde. Sorry, but I don't think any of them go with your children's names. Lily and Ethan are great names, but are very common. Gwenyth, Scarlet and Elle are uncommon. I like when siblings names fit. 

  • Thank you ladies :)

    It looks as though the votes are as split as we are, lol!  They're all w/in a point or two of one another.

    She'll be here soon enough and I guess we'll just see what fits her :)

    Thank you again :)  I appreciate the help and input.

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