I think that pre-K is a waste of time for kids that are from families that spend a lot of time interacting with their kids and give them lots of opportunities for socialization and interaction with the world around them.
We have a free pre-k here that is basically free daycare. Kids learn to write their names, put their coats on, ect. I am sure that DD will learn that. She goes to a parents morning out 2 days a week for "socialization". I think that is enough. She is going to be in school for 13 years before she even gets to college. I just don't think that she needs to add another one at 4, when we could be doing all kinds of fun and interesting activities, since she will finally be old enough to appreciate more interesting things, like museums, art, nature, ect. Kindergarten here is compulsory full time (7:30 to 2:30), and she has to start at 5.
Am I alone in feeling this way?
Re: Am I alone in this
I think that pre-K is a waste of time for kids that are from families that spend a lot of time interacting with their kids and give them lots of opportunities for socialization and interaction with the world around them.
Christmas 2011
I agree 100%. I think K should still be half day, too.
I don't know. ?My cousin is 5, just began kindergarten a few weeks ago and she did pre-k for 2 years. ?It's like 1/2 day pre-k, not full day.. and her Mom (My Aunt) worked with her A LOT. ?She could already write her name, etc around age 4.?
Pre-k really helped her and they actually talked about moving her up to 1st grade b/c she was scoring so high.
It was also really good for her to be in the school setting etc and she had no trouble transitioning to kindergarten for the full day.
A friend's daughter started the same time as my cousin and she is having a HORRIBLE time transitioning. She didn't really do anything like pre-k and didn't know any of the kids in her class/at school. She is still upset every day.
However.. I'll add that I plan to do a Montessori preschool for Layla instead. ?I want it to be more than just socializing and interacting with other kids, b/c she gets a lot of that with me everyday.
Here's the thing: Had I said that I feel it's very important for a child to be home with their mother, I'd be torn apart.
Gee, thanks. I guess my 2 weeks worth of work setting up a classroom is a complete waste of time then.
I think it all depends on the child. Some kids really need preschool regardless if they belong to playgroups and stuff like that.
Even though I'm paying for Michelle's preschool...3 yrs of it...I wouldnt be doing it if it cost an outrageous amount. I wont go into debt to put her thru private preschool.
In our school district they have what is called co-kindergarten. Its for those kids who are kinda ready for kindergarten but might fall behind in a regular kindergarten class. Its the same curriculum as kindergarten but taught at a much slower pace. What is good about it is that if the child starts out in co-K but the teacher thinks the child will do fine in regular K then they can bump the child up....same thing if the child is in regular K and is struggling they can bump the child down. The kids in co-K will do regular kindergarten the following year....I think this is what we will be doing with Michelle. Even with 3 yrs of preschool I just dont think she will be ready for regular Kindergarten.
Ditto. We only have free pre-k for low income families called Head Start where I live. We looked into a private preschool for next year and it will be 1500 for the year.
For my kids it is, because I WOH. If I were a SAHM I would have a hard time paying for pre-school because I would see my "job" as making sure DD was getting adequate social experiences and also teaching her things.
So if you are a SAHM and are actively involved in groups then I get what you are saying.
I understand your comments, I just wonder how you would feel if you did not have the opportunity to send her to a parents morning out program 2x a week.
i disagree. it is not a waste of time, but maybe not necessary for your particular child. unfortunately the world is not full of nestie moms. for many, many children (far more than nestie children) prek is a must because no one else will show them a book, point out a letter, or let them know the name fo a color.
as for all day kindergarten. the research shows it works. again - maybe nestie moms who really take an interest in their children's lives and work them do not need it. but generally speaking, it is a benefit to the children in the district.
the sad reality is there are many children out there wtihout parents who care and the most important time in a child's academic career happens before they get to school. those years are critical.
You're not alone. My kids go to Mother's Day Out twice a week, six hours at a time. I work with them at home on the academic stuff, and they get the socialization at MDO (as well as some academic stuff, crafts, etc). It's kind of like preschool, but it only costs me $240/month for both kids to go, twice a week, six hours a day. Such a bargain.
Ava will start kindergarten next year and that will be her first time going to a real "school." It's full-day, too.
I think preschool is very important to some kids.
I think more than 1 yr of preschool is overkill.
Has anyone sat in a pre k 3 class? Because I have in 4 different programs and it did the same damn thing his MDO does 2x. Minus the Jesus stuff!
The ONLY reason my kids are going to pre k4 is because they are guaranteed a spot for kindergarten otherwise they would be SOL.
Definitely. It's very sad.
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
Don't get me wrong. I think there are lots of kids who benefit from Pre-K, just not kids whose parents can provide them with other rich learning opportunities. I have friends who work and certainly, their children are better off in pre-k, I know moms who never leave the house, let them watch tv/play on the computer all day, or yell a lot, those kids are better off, just not every kid.
Our older DD is in 1/2-day kdgn this year. There aren't many schools left that offer it, but we are at one, thankfully. Full day is just way too long for that age, IMO!
Exactly, squishy. You said it so perfectly.
This. With our THIRD child now in 3 year old preschool this fall (she will then do 4 year old preschool), I can say that it is completely worth it. I am a SAHM. Our first two children that have done the 3 & 4 year old preschool programs (at the same school) have come out of them for the better. I would completely recommend it. It's not just about socilization, although that is a big part of it. It's also about structure and learning. It's also a GREAT way to get them slowly used to the school routine in increments that are age-appropriate. This way kdgn is no big deal for them- there's no crying on the first day! They go to a private school & we pay $700 for the 3 year old program (2 days per week, 2 1/2 hrs per day) & $900 for the 4 year old program (3 days per week, 2 1/2 hours per day). Our kids always really look forward to going!
I don't know that it's necessary, but it's going to be a lot of things for our family...I can do a lot of the things that he'll be doing here, but I can't give him the interactions, learning to interact with other people, following rules from people other than DH and I, etc.
And quite frankly, it's a much needed break a couple of times a week for me. I'll workout, do some work-projects, and maybe take a bath while I know he's safe with other people for a couple of hours every Tu/Th.
Do I think it's necessary to ensure his full ride to Harvard? Not so much. Do I think he'll benefit from it? Absofreakinglylutely.
I'm neither a working (out of the home ) mom, nor do I never leave the house and let my girls watch TV all day long, and I think the benefits of preschool for my daughter have been immeasurable. I feel fortunate that she gets the benefit of having me as her primary care giver every day AND the experience of play-based learning in a classroom setting WITHOUT me... best of both worlds, I think.
Good call, buffalo buckeye! ?This is exactly the discussion that our parents had.?
Full disclosure: I am in the ece field and therefore believe that pre-k is very important. ?
I believe that even if you don't feel that pre-k is for your child, it is still very necessary to support as the research does show effects long term and short term for our most vulnerable populations, who may wind up sitting next to your child in elementary school. ?
I recommend the book Neurons to Neighborhoods for anyone interested in the research. ?
Your children will be suffering by not attending a preschool program and yes they do benefit greatly by being home with you, as does my DD and any other child who is spending their days with people (including day care providers) who take an interest in "teaching and learning". However, there is an added benefit from being in a quality preschool program considering the expectations in kindergarten.
Me too. And well said.
Great!!!! I am sure this could be another whole debate, but I am a huge supporter of Homeschooling. There are some wonderful homeschooling support sites and resources out there, have you started yet? BTW, You should have said this at the beginning...your children will be just fine without preschool then.
I think we are also talking about a difference between preschool and pre-k.
At least around here, pre-k is like mini-kindy. 5 days a week, half days, full school year. Just like kindy used to be, but now you do half days at age 4 and full day kindy at age 5. I can totally see the objection to doing that much schooling at age 4.
But most people are pretty supportive of a few hours a week of preschool or MDO. It isn't really fair to compare 15+ hours a week of pre-k to 6-9 hours a week of preschool/MDO in my opinion. It really depends on the kid whether they need 15+ hours a week, or 2 mornings of preschool will do just fine.
I certainly think prek should be available (and is critical for certain kids). I do think it is sad that sometimes you have to attend prek at age 4 in order to get into the school for kindy.
If you don't send your kid to preschool, their brains will ROT OUT. ROT OUT!
That said, who gives ashit? I'll be honest, I don't really care what anyone does with their kid as far as preschool. Maybe it's necessary, maybe it's not.
Jackson will go b/c I like a break and I think it will be good for him to have to learn to listen to people/authority figures who aren't his parents or grandparents. I also think it will be good for him to learn about some structure in a classroom before he goes to K. Do I think it's necessary, definitely not. Do I think it will potentially save my sanity and maybe help him in the future, YES.
And I will be laughing all the way to my brunch with mimosas and pedicure while the rest of you fools spend the mornings with your spawn.
Maybe it's not for everyone, but I wouldn't go as far as saying it's a waste of time. And, as a former Pre-K teacher, if all the Pre-K around you is teaching is name writing and putting on coats...they are doing something wrong.
We had required curriculum (mandated by the state) that went into many more things than that. We introduced writing, math concepts, teamwork, citizenship, and basic life skills. And worked on these things daily.
Maybe the programs in your area are just lacking? I would probably be a bit biased if I hadn't seen all of the great programs that I have. I am a SAHM and my two year old is doing very well socially and "knows" more than the average two year old, but he will most definitely attend preschool. Being with mommy and doing these things and being in a school setting and doing these things are completely different, and I want my child to experience learning from people other than myself.