hi ladies,
DH and I had our first homestudy meeting with our SW yesterday. It was at her office at the agency and mostly we discussed what was already written in our bios - how we met, how/why we chose to adopt, how we dealt with our infertility, how our families/friends feel about our adoption, how do we plan to discipline, etc.
We also had some great "aha!" moments while talking to our SW. One of the things we are really going to focus on in the upcoming year is to become more connected with our local adoptive community. (So if anyone is in the Baltimore or DC metro areas and would like to GTG, I'd love to meet you! )
We had thought it would be enough to raise our child knowing their adoption story and keeping them connected with their culture (which we thought would be easy since we're Korean-Americans adopting from Korea), but now we really understand the importance of also exposing our child (and future children) to other adoptive families and children.
Anyway, I could probably ramble on forever, so I'll just nip it now. ;-)
Our next visit (at our home this time) is scheduled for 9/18 so things are moving along so quickly. We're so excited! :-)
Re: I had my first homestudy interview yesterday!
It's amazing what you learn once you start answering questions.
We'll be sure to bring BabyL down to my favorite town when we adopt
So glad it went well! That's wonderful! I bet there are tons of resources and support groups in your area. If not..you can always start one.
thanks, ladies!
Dr.L - Yes! we will definitely have to do a babyL/babyLMM playdate when they both arrive!! :-)
Congrats! It's great when the process finally starts, isn't it?
Our first meeting is tomorrow, so it's nice to hear about what you discussed during yours.