As long as it's something that will not be used/worn outside of the house, it's okay. No shirts, jackets, sippy cups, etc. But a picture frame or something along those lines, I like. More so for girls, I think.
They are cute and we have many things with her name on them! I think it is crazy that people say they are dangerous...just because a stranger calls your dc name you should teach them to never go with anyone. Plus, do you really keep your child out of your site? My dd is always in my site and doesn't go out without someone watching her.
My opinion is that it's cute & not dangerous. DH disagrees with the danger part. So, we've agreed that once the kids get to kindergarten (when they will be away from us in public) they will no longer have their name on their bags.
Monograms? Yes. Personalization (w/name)? No. At least not on items that leave this clothing or stickers on my car! I just don't need to advertise my kids' names to those who don't need to know their name. I'm amazed by how many people in my area have stickers on their car with their kids' names and baseball/football/soccer numbers. Why?
right now, it isnt an issue, we have bibs and onesies and he has a chair. he is too little right now for it to be a concern. i have to label everything for dayacre anyway, the bibs make it easy so do the labels
DD backpack for preschool has her full name on it. My BF bought it for her. I was worried about it at first but then decided it was not like she was going to walking around with it on...from school to car to home is as far as it goes. I also call her by her name out in public so to me it is no different. If someone wanted to know her name they would just have to listen for me to say it.
Re: Opinions on personalized items for kids?
I have personalized towels for both kids, as well as the Anywhere Chair.
I guess it could be "dangerous", but that's not where my neuroses lie.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Depends on what they are.
If it is something that stays in the house (like a cover for a chair, bean bag or toy box), then there first name is fine.
If it is something that goes out in the public (like a backpack, luggage, toy carrier, etc.), then initials is all I put.
My opinion is that it's cute & not dangerous. DH disagrees with the danger part. So, we've agreed that once the kids get to kindergarten (when they will be away from us in public) they will no longer have their name on their bags.
I like them - just not TOO many.
I do not have her name embroidered on anything she will wear out every day without me always being there- ie// a coat/backpack/etc- for safety sake.
I am not really into it.
I do not think they are dangerous, is it really any more dangerous than calling your child by name in public? I don't think so.
I don't personalize anything because I have two girls and they share a lot of things. I think it's cute though, just not necessary.