2nd Trimester

My FI wanted to bring home a new pet.

a friggin' baby raccoon.



Re: My FI wanted to bring home a new pet.

  • you're kidding right?
  • Oh my gosh my mom actually had a baby skunk when she was pregnant for me (its stinker was removed) so random HaHa

    DS #1- Ares Christopher

    DS #2- Taj Lee

    DD #1 Alba Gray

    Baby #4- coming in May

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  • Isn't that illegal??

    They are awfully cute though! 

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  • Awwww!! I'd let him Wink They are so cute!! If DH would let me, I'd get one.. lol

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  • My uncle actually found a baby racoon and it ended up being a good pet.  HE got it all of it's shots obviously.
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  • They can get into everything and way too smart to keep them out of anything they wanna get to. Be careful you don't go crazy with it! But they are super adorable
  • I have a squirrel. DH does landscape and cut down a tree last year with a nest. We ended up having to raise the 5 babies. Only 1 survived, and he is now a pet. He is definitely still a wild animal and I don't think I'd do it over again if I had the choice. But now everyone that finds abandoned baby squirrels tries to give them to us! lol
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  • He has been in Texas for a family function, and his cousin has 3 baby raccoons. After playing with one he wanted to bring one home. I know that they are cute... but the idea of having a raccoon for a pet with the dog and then the baby coming made me LOL. I told him no, but yes, he seriously wanted to keep one.
  • My husband eventually wants a fennic fox. *rolls eyes* But I finally let him get his dog, so maybe this will get the fox out of his system. LOL
  • I worked at a wildlife center for almost 8 years, and can tell you from experience that baby raccoons can be a nightmare!  Think 5 week old puppy, plus ADHD, plus claws, plus WILD, plus pees and poops on self, plus massively and destructively curious!  Times ten.  Get a kitten instead.
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  • Oh, and in some state (like NM), it is illegal to have any wild animal as a pet, so you can check that out for CO.
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