
How absorbent are training pants?

DD has been daytime potty trained for a couple of months but overnight is still hit or miss. I've been putting her in Pull Ups, but one of the reason that we PT'd when we did is because DD is allergic to the chemicals used in diapers and they don't make *natural* pull ups, at least not that I have found. So, even though she is only in the Pull Up over night, it is still 12 hours so we are still dealing with the allergic rash on her butt. So, I was thinking of maybe switching to training pants with a rubber cover but didn't know how well they work. I need it to be at least as absorbent as the Pull Ups.
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Re: How absorbent are training pants?

  • Happy Hieney's makes a nighttime trainer with a pocket for an insert (did you cloth diaper?)  it has side snaps for if you need them but the child can pull them up and down as needed.  dd started out with these overnight... then moved up to the blueberry minky trainers at night (which had been our going out on runs) when she was mainly try at night with the occasional accident. She would wake up when she started to go, and we dodged a lot of oopies... I'd also recommend a mattress protector.. there are thick cotton ones.  we have a crib size one that I believe we got at a target or a walmart.  I would lay that under her so if she wet, it didn't go through the bed and I could just change that rectangle. 
  • oh and I think Starbunz is supposed to have a good trainer that may work well for transitioning to dry nights.... I may try those for ds.
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  • Does she wake up dry most mornings?  If so, and if you don't mind washing the sheets every few days for the first week or so, I'd just switch to regular undies at night and put a waterproof mattress pad under her regular sheet.  That is what we did for ds and it worked out well.  On the mornings he'd wake up wet, I'd pull the sheets off his bed and throw them in the washer before work and then throw them in the dryer when I got home so they were ready by bedtime.

    The first week we had like 3 accidents.  Then we averaged 1 a week for a while and since I wash the sheets once a week anyway, that was fine with me.  Now we have one maybe once every two - three weeks.

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