Good news is both of the girls weigh 4 lbs 4 oz and they are both head down! Yay for B moving out of breech! Amniotic fluid is still good. I've gained 8 lbs in 2 weeks putting me up to 49 lbs which they are ok with.
The frustrating part of the appt. was the stupid dr. I had. After our u/s the tech put us in the dr.'s office where we waited for 30 minutes (this is after already being at the appt. for an hour and a half). DH saw dr. go into another exam room. Eventually the u/s tech came and noticed us, which gave us the opportunity to tell her we were about to leave (DH has class) so she went and found the dr. I didn't even bother asking her my questions b/c I already think she's a moron plus I don't think I could've been nice. But then she tells us we'll come back in 2 weeks, at which point i'll have the strep B done. Now, I'm 34 weeks, 2 weeks from now is the average point of delivery for twins. My other dr. who I trust way more told me 2 weeks my weekly appt. would start this week and that I would have my Strep B done today. I'm just so irritated. My coworker pointed out what happens if I deliver and don't have strep b done yet? Grr so I just called my office back and left a message with someone I trust to get her opinion on weekly and such. At least my girls are great!!
Re: Good but frustrating dr. appt