A carseat is not necessary to fly on a plane for any age child. It's nice to have to keep them in their seat and to use after the plane trip (in a rental, taxi, etc)...but it is not a requirement by the airline.
IMO, 4 is way too old to be in a carseat on a plane. My DH took our oldest on a cross country flight when she was 3 & she was coloring, reading, watching DVDs, playing dollies, etc. I sent a huge backpack of stuff for her to do & I think she would have been inhibited with some of it in a carseat.
Omg Gibs. I can't believe you would actually consider taking your child somewhere without a carseat? Someone should call CPS on you. Horrible. Horrible!!! And why are you flying? For a vacation?? What a waste of money.
Re: can a 4 year old fly on a plane w/o a carseat?
any child can
we flew with DD when she was almost 1 and we didn't have one
**rubs eyes**
Did gibs just ask an actual question?
A: You do not need a car seat, I recommend checking it.
Mum to Owen and Lucas
I think she posted under the wrong name.
I was just about to post the same thing.. she must be under the wrong name.