
Would you work a retail job for extra money?

I was offered a sales lead position at Gymboree after striking up a conversation with the store manager.  It would be 12-20 hours/week and not that great of pay.  This would be on top of my regular job (30 hours/week).  It would be nice to have the little extra spending money (and 40% off!!!) 

mh is no help-he just says to do whatever I want to do. =p

will I regret commiting to this?  I'm supposed to meet with the district manager later today. 


Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11

Re: Would you work a retail job for extra money?

  • The only reason I haven't taken a side retail job is that I am afraid that I won't see DH. I have always figured that extra $$ won't be worth it if I don't spend time as a family.

    If you are sure you can do everything you want - then go for it.

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • I worked at Marshall Fields a few years ago before I had kids as a second job.  Now I can't imagine doing that.  My experience w/ retail is that they tell you 12 to 20 hours right now but it will turn into more once the holiday season gets closer.  It's also not the same as adding hours to your regular day.  I would rather try to do 40 hours at my full time job instead of adding a second one.  You will most likely have to work nights and weekends.  I thought having the discount would be awesome, but I ended up spending more money than I made because of it.

    Just my two cents.  I know some people really love having a retail job.  It is nice to see stuff as soon as it comes in and if you can control your spending the extra money is always nice!

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  • I work 1-2x a month (usually only Sat) at the Mac counter.

    Now it is great. Starting Nov. I will only be doing it once a month and on a Sun.

    The hours change and honestly people get struck stupid during the holidays when it comes to shopping and the only reason I actually work is to maintain some level of make up professional contacts in case I *need* to go back to work for some reason.

    Retail is hard. Even in those short hours.

    I would probably spend what I earn there as for me it wouldn't be that great!

  • I worked at PBK part-time (in addition to a full-time job) and loved it for a while...after about a year, I got sick of retail and got pg and it got to be too much for me.  I would say meet with the DM, ask for more money and see if they give it to you.
  • i wouldnt because nights and weekends are family time...
    mom to Noel 3.17.07 Morgan 4.9.08 Taylor 10.27.10 Baby #4 Due in July mc 2.3.06
  • I did it for about a year and didn't regret it. The only reason I quit is because it took me 35 minutes to drive there and business got so slow that I'd be done within 1-2 hours. I was also only getting 1-2 days per MONTH. It wasn't worth it anymore, but for a store like Gymboree I'd do it. If you don't like it you can always quit. It's not like it'll hurt your resume or anything if you quit after a short time - since I doubt you'd put that on your resume anyway.
    She's crafty - and she's just my type.
  • I worked at JCrew a few years ago, two shifts per week (one night and one weekend shift), on top of my regular 40 hr office job, and it was an easy and fun way to get some extra "fun money" for myself.  They gave a 50% discount, so of course I spent it all right there, so it was actually like I was working for clothes, but anyway... This was before I had kids, of course.  I would do it again, in theory, if I had an easy childcare alternative (ie, DH could be home from work in time before I had to leave) or if it didn't eat too much into my family time (ie, DH works a normal job where he is home by dinner every night and never works on weekends or holidays or I wouldn't miss out on anything if I was gone one night a week and a few hours on a weekend).  Unfortunately, I don't have either of those things, so I personally wouldn't, but if I did, I would do it.  The best part about a job like that was that I didn't really "need" it, so I didn't stress at all about it.  It was just fun, extra money, and I knew that I could walk out anytime I got bored/fed up/overwhelmed.
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