Baby Names

Alternatives for Robert

DH likes the middle name Robert for a boy in honor of a family member.

Can anyone suggest an alternative for Robert? Or even other R boy names?


Re: Alternatives for Robert

  • Well, what's your objection to Robert?  That might help people suggest alternatives.

    Also, if he's insistent on it b/c it's a family name, there might not be any acceptable alternatives for him...

  • Robin?

    I think you should use Robert. It's only the middle name. 

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  • DH's middle name is Robert.

    DH's first name is 2 syllables that starts with C.

    The name we like for a boy is 2 syllables and begins with a C.

    I'm just worried C___ Robert sounds too much like DH's name.

  • Well, if you are using Robert ot honor a family member and than change it to something will no longer be honoring that family member.
  • I don't think it matters if the father and son names sound similar.  You won't use the middle name when speaking very often - even more rarely will you say them side by side - "Caleb Robert and Carson Robert, it's time for dinner!".  Only if they're both in really big trouble - "Caleb Robert and Carson Robert WHY did you do chin-ups from the water pipes and flood the basement?"  LOL.

    If the two first names sound so similar that you might mistake the two, then you might rethink the first name.  I wouldn't worry about having the same middle name.


  • imageFerris625:

    DH's middle name is Robert.

    DH's first name is 2 syllables that starts with C.

    The name we like for a boy is 2 syllables and begins with a C.

    I'm just worried C___ Robert sounds too much like DH's name.

    This sounds great to me  :) 

    How often does your DH use his full name?  I'm guessing almost never, so I highly doubt the two names being "too much alike" will ever be a problem.  In fact, I think this is a great way to avoid having a Jr!

    CafeMom Tickers
    CafeMom Tickers
  • In Judaism you don't usually pass down the same name, but just use the same first letter.

    So any R name would really work in that case.  It would depend on what the first name is...

    ?Transatlantic Blonde?
    it's called a kilt, he's scottish
  • Roberto. I think its cute! 

    Rupert? Kinda hoity-toity sounding, but it definitely has character!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Also....what about Robertson??
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Robert is cool by itself. all Robert's I know are really nice.  I wld stick with robert if you want to honor the name.

    Other considerations however could include:






    Ronald (hm?)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • Richard, Ronald, Ryan, Roy. I do like Robert!
  • Some other ideas:









    Good luck!

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