Oh for the love of all that is holy, should I be praying to the dumpster Bageezus??
Luke did not eat dinner last night so he did not get to partake in the ice cream that Owen had after supper. Start tantrum 5:00PM
6:30pm- crying in the tub for ice cream
7:00pm- full on refusal of going to bed until he got ice cream
7-9:30pm- crying and belly aching in bed about ice cream.
1:30am- woke asking for ice cream
3:30am- again woke asking for ice cream
5:00am- woke up demanding ice cream
5:30am I had to bungee the fridge closed b/c he would not stay out of the freezer
9:08am- just ran up to me stomping his feet asking for ice cream
Man, this child is persistant. MH told me at 7pm last night to just give into him. Mama refused, game on. (...and the game is still clearly still on)
WHat would you have done? Give into him or stick it out and be the WORST Muma in the world- according to Sir Lucas.
Re: The Ice Cream Tantrum That Lasted 16 Hours...
DAMN!!!!!!!!!!! that makes M's 45 minute tantrum seem like nothing lol....she was throwing a fit because I had to wash her blankie and her tinkerbell throw.
Boy that is one determine little boy you have there lol
Wow. Oh. Wow.
That sucks. I don't know how you did it! But I also would have stood my ground and NOT given in.
Baking Blog
I'm sorry, but I laughed.
That is pretty funny. What a persistant little guy! I would give him some ice cream this afternoon after he eats his lunch. And, no, I wouldn't have given in earlier. Now you can say, "Remember when you didn't eat your dinner, and you didn't get any ice cream?" He will surely remember!
And do you have the bottom drawer freezer? We do and I hate it. I can't keep Gina out of it! She thinks its help yourself to popsicles!
REOM- we have a side by side and he just whips it open and helps himself too. Grrrr.
I told him, and have been telling him if he eats lunch like a man he can pick is pop from the freezer. I wonder where he gets is strong-headedness from...
Mum to Owen and Lucas
LOL! We just recently got a bottom freezer. Once my DS found out there were M&Ms in there, he walked away with a handful of them after telling my DH he "wanted to play with the ice". DH = sucker.
And OP, I would not have given in! But MH would have...
You poor thing! You did the right thing though!
That persistance is going to be either a really good thing or a very bad thing as he gets older!
I guess it depends on why he did not eat his dinner, how much he did not eat and if he usually pulls power struggles like this.
Since you DID tie getting ice-cream with eating dinner, then I whole heartedly agree with sticking to your guns.
But I would never tie dessert with a clean plate. I have read a handful of studies on picky eating and this ends up bitting you on the butt.
Really?? Never once did I say that he did not clean his plate, I said he did not eat dinner. Way to flame me for something you assumed I did. Mint.
Mum to Owen and Lucas
Ditto- I would have stuck it out too and not gave in. GOOD JOB TO YOU!