
bof shirley you can't be serious?

chick fil a is closed on sundays? ?dooood.

I will totally stalk a chick fil a with DJ

Re: bof shirley you can't be serious?

  • #6#6 member
    Yeah, its a family owned place and close on Sundays for religious reasons.  I always thought that was cool.   It would be fun to see Jeebus with the Cow.  :)   He is at mine every Tuesday night from 5-7:30. 
  • Kori, I am serious. and don't call me shirley.

    there is a large section of wallpaper that says so/ their reasoning.

    I have never been in one, but I saw the wall paper from the parking lot, and pulled up closer to read it. (the print was yoooge.)

    now I can't remember why I was in their parking lot to begin with..and looking inside closely enough to read that?

    IT was within the last 2 years, too...huh...weird.

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